Wacs Manpage Collection

Seventh Edition

for WACS 1.0.1

B "Beaky" King

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

10th July 2022

Revision History
Revision Seventh Edition10th July 2022
  • added page for wacssettingsout
Revision Sixth Edition2020
  • new functionality for wacschk
Revision Fifth EditionMonday 9th May 2016
  • added new manual pages for wacsvidcom, wacscachectl
Revision Fourth EditionAutumn 2013
  • Added new manpages on wacschk, wacsupdinfo
Revision Third EditionDecember 2012

No significant changes

Revision Second EditionAugust 2011
  • Added new manpages on wacsselin and wacsselout
  • Added mention of configuration variables to rungq page
Revision First EditionMarch 2010
  • All old manpages re-written in DocBook XML


WACS is a Web-based Adult Content Server environment built using the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and Perl/Php) infrastructure. It provides the database, toolchest and API infrastructure to build a sophisticated indexed archive of adult material for either personal or commercial use. It is a Free Software/Open Source package released under the GNU Public License Version 3 (GPLv3) and supports use of Oracle in addition to MySQL.

This document contains a collection of the command line tools provided with WACS and the various functions they perform.

The WACS source code and other documentation and support tools can all be found at the WACS website at Sourceforge. Releases are also uploaded to the Launchpad site for additional resilience. There is a demonstration web site for WACS at PinkMetallic.com where you can see WACS in action and download the sample sets featured in this document - CAUTION: contains adult material. The main developers can be contacted at wacs@beaky.name - messages sent to this address will be treated as confidential. Any email addresses, names, URLs or other identification information will be removed before any publication of the contents on bug lists, feature requests, mailing lists etc. Commercial add-ons and support options can be purchased from Bevtec Communications Ltd, see their website at Bevtec Communications.

Table of Contents

I. Command Line Tools for WACS Users
rungq — run an image viewer with a local slide show of Wacs image sets — run a movie player with a local list of Wacs video clips
II. Command Line Tools for WACS Collection Administration
wacschk — Perform routine sanity checks on Wacs collection
wacsvidcomb — Combine the elements of a multi-part video into a single playable file
wacscachectl — Controls the content caching mechanism within WACS
wacsupdinfo — Index and update database details about image sets
III. Data Migration Tools
wacsexport — export a WACS model record as an XML file
wacsimport — imports details of a model from a WACS XML export file
wacsxmlout — exports set details as a WACS XML export file
wacsxmlin — imports set details from a WACS XML export file
wacsselout — exports the details of a selection as a WACS XML export file
wacsselin — imports a selection from a WACS XML export file as created by wacsselout
wacssettingsout — exports current media and other settings as WACS XML

Part I. Command Line Tools for WACS Users

The commands listed here cover those tools that are designed to be of use to users of the WACS system rather than those targetted to system administration tasks.

Table of Contents

rungq — run an image viewer with a local slide show of Wacs image sets — run a movie player with a local list of Wacs video clips


rungq — run an image viewer with a local slide show of Wacs image sets

runmp — run a movie player with a local list of Wacs video clips


rungq [modifiers] argument

runmp [modifiers] argument



specifies that the tag set (aka Saved Search) of the number given should be used. This can be abreviated to t and the number or even just the tag number on it's own.


specifies that the connections set of the number given should be used. This can be abreviated to c and the connection set number.


specifies that the complete portfolio of the model specified should be used. This can be abreviated to mod or even m and the model's number.



specifies that only a single category of sets should be shown from those that would otherwise match - this uses the standard values for scatflag. The values are as follows: F for Straight, G for Group Orgy, M for Masturbation, L for Lesbian, S for Solo and T for Toys. Thus --cat=T will show only toy sets.


specifies what categories of sets should be excluded - the default is Backstage and Duplicate. These are provided as a comma separated list. To show only solo sets you would specify --excl=F,G,L,B,D. To cancel the default exclusions, specify a blank exclusion list: --excl=.


specifies how many of the sets that would otherwise have matched should be skipped. This allows you to restart partway through a particular set of matching sets/clips, eg --skip=15 starts at the 16th matching set.


While the Wacs system is primarily web-based, through tools like rungq and runmp, it is possible to access both the underlying database and image files/video clips in the WACS archive directly within the Linix/Unix shell environment. This offers some advantages in terms of speed and flexibility of display over accessing it through a web-browser but of course looses both the ubiquity and just-works aspects of using the web interface. Using rungq or runmp is very much an optional alternative with restricted functionality to using the full web interface.

In order to use rungq or runmp you will need to have the appropriate access at the operating system level to the database and to the files themselves; this is normally achieved through being a member of the Linux/Unix group wacs. It is also possible to make this work on a workstation or laptop computer on the local network through a combination of NFS and network transport of the SQL requests to the database. More information on how to configure these is given in the Configuration Manual for the WACS system.

In essence what rungq does is retrieve the full pathnames of the directories containing the image sets specified and invokes an image viewer on those. It opens the first image at which point it is normal to fullscreen the viewer and either page through the images using the space bar or left mouse click, or set a slideshow going with a fixed interval between images. rungq can play in this way saved searches (aka tag sets), connections or a specific models complete portfolio. Various modifiers described above can make further sub-selections based on set type or skip over a number of the entries if these have been recently viewed. The runmp command works in a very similiar way but passes the full path names of the video clip files instead.

rungq uses whatever viewer is specified in the configuration file, or by default gqview because this viewer will let the user browse through a slideshow of image directories specified in this way. This behaviour was added to gqview at our request by the original author - many if not most other image viewers require explicit specification of the image files themselves or open all the files at once (eog used to do this although by GNOME 2.26 it seems to work correctly). The configuration variable is called imageviewer and is located in the external section of the file - please see the WACS configuration guide for more details.

runmp uses the mplayer but could easily use a different movie player if that is prefered. Again this can be configured through the standard WACS configuration file and is controlled by the variable movieplayer in the external section. This often includes the -fs command line option to cause the player to open in full screen mode.


  • rungq t23 - show the image sets in saved search number 23

  • rungq --cat=T t23 - show the image sets of category Toys from saved search 23

  • rungq --excl=B,D,F,G c7 - show the image sets from connection set number 7 skipping Backstage, Duplicate and Straight Sex sets.

  • rungq --skip=15 mod17 - show the portfolio of model number 17, starting from the 16th set.

  • runmp --cat=L m23 - show the Lesbian movies featuring model number 23.

Part II. Command Line Tools for WACS Collection Administration

The commands listed here are various tools that aid in collection administration aspects of managing the WACS system.

Table of Contents

wacschk — Perform routine sanity checks on Wacs collection
wacsvidcomb — Combine the elements of a multi-part video into a single playable file
wacscachectl — Controls the content caching mechanism within WACS
wacsupdinfo — Index and update database details about image sets


wacschk — Perform routine sanity checks on Wacs collection


wacschk set_number

wacschk [--dnl] model_number

wacschk [--cache] set_number

wacschk [--cache] directory_path



the number of the set you wish to have checked.


the number of the model you to check download details for.


the path to the sets you wish to check - this selects everything within this directory and all it's sub-directories


--dnl OR --download

specifies that download details should be checked rather than set details - following argument is then expected to be a model number.


specified the content cache links/generated file should be checked for this set, or sets in this path


The wacschk command is used to perform various standard checks on elements of the Wacs collection. When passed a set number it performs a number of simple checks to make sure the set files do actually exist in the location specified in the Wacs database. With the addition of a --dnl argument and given a model number, it checks all sets for that model are either within the WACS system or waiting to be unpacked and marked up in the download area. Using the --cache, it checks the rules for named video files appearing in the content cache area and reports on any issues found.


wacschk --dnl 123 would check all the download records for model no 123 making sure that those marked as completed had an associated set number and that those marked as pending did indeed have the necessary archive file in the download area waiting to be unpacked.

wacschk --cache 4128 would check that the content cache mechanism was configured for set number 4128 and that the relevant files or links are present.

See Also

wacsgenimg(1), wacsgenvid(1), wacsupdinfo(1), wacsupdstat(1)


wacsvidcomb — Combine the elements of a multi-part video into a single playable file


wacsvidcomb set_number



the number of the first (primary or secondary) video set at the start of a multi-set sequence


The wacsvidcomb command is used to combine a group of smaller video files into a playable compilation file that contains all of the content in a single file. It is invoked with the set number of the first video clip in the chain and automatically follows the next links to all sets of continuation type and then creates a compilation of them using mplayer's mencoder application. Where the skip frame value has been set for the set, this will be used to remove any pre-amble from the intermediate sets.

You do need to have the mencoder command installed and in the standard path of the user running the command. You also need to ensure that it can see all the necesary codecs to playback and encoder the types of file you wish to handle. Some of these may not be in the default installation for copyright, licensing or patent encumberence issues - you may need to install video codes from a third party. Once the encoding is complete, the resultant video file will be placed into the process directory of the WACS unpack area. The wacscreatectl command will collect it from here and place it into the content cache area on the web tree.


wacsvidcomb 1234 would check set number 1234 for being a video set with either Primary or Secondary type and having follow-on files. Assuming that they are 1235, 1236, and 1237; wacsvidcomb would make a video compilation consisting of sets 1234, 1235, 1236 and 1237 - a four-part video compiled into a single continuous play file.

See Also



wacscachectl — Controls the content caching mechanism within WACS


wacscachectl [options] set_number



the action you want to perform - currently --create, --rebuild, --autobuild and --help are the only ones supported. Each of these has a one-character alias -c, -r, -a and -h respectively.


The set number to work on


The point in the tree you wish to start (--rebuild and --autobuild).


The wacscachectl command is used to configure the links for the content caching system and copy a compilation file created by wacsvidcomb into it's correct home from the process area in the Wacs download area. The command probes the set details in the database to determine what needs to be done (if it can). If it fails, the set probably doesn't have modern set status marking and this can be easily fixed using the wacssetmgr web app.

The simple and most basic mode is --create which takes a single set number as an argument. So long as the set concerned has a set ranking of Primary and has a download archive name specified, this will create the appropriate content cache links. If the set is a multi-part set, it will expect to collect a compilation file created by wacsvidcomb from the unpack area. If this does not exist, it will currently quit with an error suggesting you run wacsvidcomb.

The second mode is --rebuild which takes the argument of a top level directory or relative path within the (currently) video sets area and scans all the sets within it. If the set ranking and download archive name are specified, it will re-create the link to inside the download cache area. This enables video streaming for key file types like mp4 and flv if enabled within the WACS configuration files.

The third mode is --autobuild which goes a step further than --rebuild by attempting to create a reasonably good download archive name for the set from the information available to it. It will still report failure for sets without a ranking specified as this information is absolutely key to how it processes the files in the first place. If you know the content in a given tree is all OK, you can of course do a SQL update to manually set a rank on all the files in a given directory tree as needed.

See Also



wacsupdinfo — Index and update database details about image sets


wacsupdinfo directory_tree


The wacsupdinfo command is the main tool for managing image sets within the WACS system and combines a number of activities within the single command. It will add any new sets found within the directory tree it's pointed add, it will detect and act on any relocations that are necessary, and it will redo the keyword processing updating set attributes where necessary. It was known by the name updateinfo in releases prior to Wacs 0.9.2 when it was renamed to make it's identity as part of the WACS system clearer and to avoid any future name clashes with other applications.

In most cases you will not have cause to run wacsupdinfo directly as this is done for you by the wacsgenimg which also handles the creation of appropriate thumbnail images for the sets. In fact, you probably won't even run wacsgenimg as this is run for you by the Web GUI's wacsplacemgr application when uploading a set!

See Also

wacsgenimg(1), wacsgenvid(1)

Part III. Data Migration Tools

The tools covered in this section are related to those tools that allow the migration of data between various WACS installations.

Table of Contents

wacsexport — export a WACS model record as an XML file
wacsimport — imports details of a model from a WACS XML export file
wacsxmlout — exports set details as a WACS XML export file
wacsxmlin — imports set details from a WACS XML export file
wacsselout — exports the details of a selection as a WACS XML export file
wacsselin — imports a selection from a WACS XML export file as created by wacsselout
wacssettingsout — exports current media and other settings as WACS XML


wacsexport — export a WACS model record as an XML file


wacsexport [--noimages] model_number



the number of the model you wish to export details of.



specifies that images should not be included. This is used to exclude copyrighted images when exporting model information for public distribution (ie posting on a forum).


The wacsexport command exports all of the information the current WACS installation knows about the specified model as an XML file called by her name and model number. Thus exporting Kaz B's model record from PinkMetallic.com would create an XML file called KazB-3.xml. This includes not only the basic model record but also all of her identity map (idmap) records and all related download records. Additionally it also includes any headshot or other icon pictures it has of her (unless told not to via --noimages) as Base-64 encoded elements within the XML file.

The resulting XML file is suitable for emailing, etc as it is "ASCII armoured" for the protection of binary data (ie images). It can be imported into another WACS installation using either the wacsimport command or the upload function of the wacsmodelmgr (WACS Model Manager> web application. The transfer of sets themselves and their associated descriptive data (metadata) is handled seperately by the wacsxmlout and wacsxmlin commands.


wacsexport 3 would create a file called KazB-3.xml if Kaz B is model 3 on the current WACS installation.

See Also

wacsimport(1), wacsxmlin(1), wacsxmlout(1), wacsselout(1)


wacsimport — imports details of a model from a WACS XML export file


wacsimport Model_XML_File


Data about models can be exchanged between WACS installations by way of a number of XML file formats, one of which is that which describes models. The wacsimport command is provided to load a recieved WACS Model XML file into the WACS system; this includes the model's basic details, her known identities, her known sets and both the large and small headshot icons.

The wacsimport command tries to determine if the model described by the XML file is already known to the current WACS installation. If she isn't, it will create a new record for her, install any headshot icons enclosed in the XML file, add all her known identities and all known set information. If she is, it will update the existing record with any new information included within the XML file. This will include any new identities, known set information (aka download records) and any fields where there is no data already.

For instance, if her hometown is blank in our local data about her, but present in the XML file, it will be updated - existing values will not be overwritten. There is one exception to this in that if an identity is marked as Active or Dormant in the database and marked as Gone in the XML file, it will be marked as Gone in the database. This is because it's a data item unlikely to be factually inaccurate and is very likely to change over time.

Some sample XML model files are provided in the WACS distribution and additional ones will be made available through our demonstration site www.pinkmetallic.com as they become available.

See Also

wacsexport(1), wacsxmlin(1), wacsxmlout(1), wacsselout(1)


wacsxmlout — exports set details as a WACS XML export file


wacsxmlout [--noimages] set_number


The wacsxmlout command is a tool to create an XML export file containing information on a set to allow it to be transported between different WACS installations. wacsxmlout is invoked with a set number (ie set 123) and will create a file named like set123.xml. The XML file wacsxmlout creates contains the set information, all associated download records, associations and idmap records for all of the models featured in the set. Additionally, unless --noimages was specified, it will contain the thumbnail icon, official icon and any additional icons related to the set.

wacsxmlout DOES NOT export the set itself and will need to be recombined with the appropriate zip or movie file when it's loaded into the destination WACS system. These need to be downloaded seperately. Please note that the WACS 0.9.x versions of wacsxmlout generate version 2 export files containing database fields not found in earlier schemas. It is not currently possible to automatically backport a version 2 file onto a WACS 0.8.x or earlier installation.

Sample XML files can be downloaded from the resources section on our demonstration site www.pinkmetallic.com as they become available.

See Also

wacsimport(1), wacsexport(1), wacsxmlin(1), wacsselout(1)


wacsxmlin — imports set details from a WACS XML export file


wacsxmlin [modifiers] XML_file_name



specifies that the set should be stored in the calculated default location for this WACS server instead of it's location on the original server.


specifies that this should be an EXACT copy of the original - same location, set number, etc. Useful in creating clone web servers for resilience, etc.


tells wacsxmlin to mark this as a newly created set so it appears in the new sets/videos index.


The wacsxmlin command is a tool to import a WACS set export XML file containing information about a set to allow it to be transported between different WACS installations. wacsxmlin is invoked with the name of the set XML file created previously by the wacsxmlout command on another WACS installation. For a set numbered 123 on the originating site, the inputs to wacsxmlin would be set123.xml and set123.zip. This set will normally recieve a new set number on importation into the new WACS installation.

Sine the XML file wacsxmlin reads contains the set information, all associated download records, associations and idmap records for all of the models featured in the set, wacsxmlin does it's best efforts to find and associate the set being added to those models who feature in it on the new WACS installation. If the export file contained them, wacsxmlin will unpack the thumbnail icon, official icon and any additional icons related to the set.

Sample XML files can be downloaded from the resources section on our demonstration site www.pinkmetallic.com as they become available and can be used to import our sets into your own installation. Since these sets are released under the Creative Commons license, you are free to import them into your WACS server and even include them on a commercial site if you wish to, providing the PinkMetallic.com branding remains intact. We can provide proof of age documentation to US-based sites in order to conform to 18 USC 2257 for a small fee.

wacsxmlin in WACS 0.9.0 and higher understands both version 1 (version 0.8.6 and earlier) and version 2 (version 0.9.0 and later) files. Either type may be used on an installation providing the database schema is up to date.

See Also

wacsimport(1), wacsexport(1), wacsxmlout(1), wacsselout(1)


wacsselout — exports the details of a selection as a WACS XML export file


wacsselout ttag_number

wacsselout cconnection_number


The wacsselout command is a tool to create an XML export file containing information about a selection of sets to allow them to be transported between different WACS installations. It can work with either saved searches (aka tag sets) or with connections.

To export saved search no 23, you would run wacsselout t23 and it will create a file called tag23.xml in the current directory. To export connection no 10, you would run wacsselout c10 and it will create a file called conn10.xml in the current directory.


Currently there is only one very limited way to make use of the selection file thus exported, namely wacsselin . This will be enhanced and upgraded in a future release. The XML file created by wacsselout does contain all the necessary information and so should be a valid backup for future use.

See Also

wacsselin(1), wacsimport(1), wacsexport(1), wacsxmlin(1), wacsxmlout(1)


wacsselin — imports a selection from a WACS XML export file as created by wacsselout


wacsselin tagnumber.xml

wacsselin connnumber.xml


The wacsselin command is a tool to import a selection, either a saved search or a connection, from an XML file containing a selection of sets. It can work with either saved searches (aka tag sets) or with connections and is the counterpart to wacsselout. It's new in WACS 0.8.6 and currently has very limited functionality as it requires all the models and sets to have already been created and just "joins them up". It does however report anything found to be missing, so you can progressively fix it. Future releases will have additional functionality.


To import a previously created selection file that contains a tag set called originally called 40 on the source server:

% wacsselin tag40.xml

See Also

wacsselout(1), wacsimport(1), wacsexport(1), wacsxmlin(1), wacsxmlout(1)


wacssettingsout — exports current media and other settings as WACS XML




The wacssettingsout creates an XML file from the current media settings of the WACS system. This is designed to ease the creation of a custom XML settings file by exporting the default values and to aid in migrations and backing up the settings. By default it writes it's output to a file called wacs_settings.xml in the current directory.

See Also

wacsimport(1), wacsexport(1), wacsxmlin(1), wacsselout(1)