WACS: Database Schemas


Sets Table

This is the main sets table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields.
create table sets
( setno			number(9) primary key,
  stype                 char(1) not null,
  sstatus               char(1) not null,
  sauto                 char(1),
  srating               char(1),
  sflag                 char(1),
  stechqual             number(2),
  svariety              number(2),
  svisits               number(2),
  sformat		varchar2(10),
  scodec                varchar2(40),
  stitle                varchar2(240),
  sofftitle		varchar2(240),
  sofficon		varchar2(160),
  sname                 varchar2(80),
  shair                 varchar2(80),
  smodelno              varchar2(40),
  sphotog		varchar2(6) references photographer,
  ssource               varchar2(80),
  sfoundry              varchar2(80),
  snotes                varchar2(240),
  sdesc                 varchar2(2048),
  sindexes              number(6),
  simages               number(6),
  sdurhrs		number(2),
  sdurmin               number(2),
  sdursec               number(2),
  slandx                number(6),
  slandy                number(6),
  sportx                number(6),
  sporty                number(6),
  saspect		varchar(10),
  sbytes		number(12),
  sdvdno		number(6),
  sdvddisc		number(2),
  sdvdtitle		number(3),
  sdvdstartch		number(3),
  sdvdendch             number(3),
  sidlogo		char(1),
  serrors		char(1),
  sduplicates		number(9),
  scatinfo              varchar2(160),
  scatflag		char(1),
  snamestem             varchar2(80),
  sdownload             varchar2(160),
  sarea			varchar2(160),
  scategory		varchar2(160),
  sdirectory		varchar2(240),
  scomments             varchar2(240),
  sadded                date,
  samended              date

Values For Short Fields In Sets Table
stype I Image Set
VVideo Clip
AAudio File
SDVD Scene
sstatus M Manually Added, Details Not Checked
AAutomatically Added, Details Not Checked
NNormal - Checked
GGood - Thoroughly Checked
sauto N None
LLocation Only - catinfo manual
AAppend to catinfo - remove nothing
FFully auto-generated
srating 5 Finest
4Very Good
0None Specified
stechqual as for srating
svariety 5 Very Unusual
2Cute Twist
0None Specified
sformat JPEG JPEG image
WMVWindows Media Player Video
QTQuickTime .mov Video
MPEGMPEG Video (1/2)
sidlogo U Unknown
YYes - image/video has burnt-in logo
NNo - image/video is clean of bugs
serrors N None detected
FFixed - faulty images/video have been fixed
EEncoding Only - causes message but renders OK
CSome Corrupt Images/Segments of video
scatflag F Fuck - straight sex
LLesbian - lesbian sex
GGroup - more than two people having sex, mixed-gender
TToy - Solo but uses toys such as dildo, vibrator, etc
NNone - not determined yet
CClothed - non-nude set featuring this model

Models Table

This is the main models table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields. Please see the section on addmodel in the command line applications section for details of basic attributes: hair colour, length, titsize, etc.
create table models 
( modelno           number(6) primary key,
  mname             varchar2(40),
  mhair		    varchar2(15),
  mlength           varchar2(20),
  mtitsize          varchar2(10),
  mcupsize          char(1),
  meyes             varchar2(15),
  mattributes	    varchar2(60),
  maliases          varchar2(60),
  mdisting	    varchar2(80),
  musual            varchar2(60),
  mimage            varchar2(80),
  mbigimage	    varchar2(80),
  mstatus	    char(1),
  mrating           char(1),
  mpussy	    char(1),
  mflag		    char(1),
  mvideos           char(1),
  msolo             char(1),
  mstraight         char(1),
  mlesbian          char(1),
  mfetish           char(1),
  mother            char(1),
  mnsets            number(4),
  mnimages          number(7),
  mnvideos          number(4),
  mcountry          varchar2(30),
  mhometown	    varchar2(80),
  mage		    number(3),
  mageyear          number(4),
  mcstatus          char(1),
  mcontact	    varchar2(80),
  mnotes	    varchar2(240),
  madded            date,
  mamended	    date

Values For Short Fields In Models Table
mstatus M Manually Added, Details Not Checked
NNormal - Checked
GGood - Thoroughly Checked
PPlaceholder - Not Real Person
mrating 5 Finest (included in Q= searches)
4Very Good (included in Q= searches)
3Good (not included in Q= searches)
2Reasonable (not included in Q= searches)
1Mediocre (not included in Q= searches)
0None Specified (listed in U= searches)
mpussy H Hairy
NNot Specified
mflag N None
SFavourite Solo
LFavourite Lesbian
CFavourite Cutie
FFavourite Straight
mvideos Y - Yes, does this
N - No, doesn't do this
updated by updatestats (coming soon)
mcstatus C Certain - country of origin stated in bio
IInferred - from location or other models seen with
GGuess - based on photographer or building style

Idmap Table

This is the idmap table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields, along with some suggested values for isite.
create table idmap
( identryno			number(7) primary key,
  imodelno		        number(6) references models,
  istatus			char(1),
  isite				varchar2(20) not null,
  ikey                          varchar2(30),
  ialtkey			varchar2(30),
  iname				varchar2(30),
  inotes			varchar2(80), 
  iactive			char(1),
  ichanged			date,
  ichecked			date,
  iadded			date,
  iamended			date

Values For Short Fields In Idmap Table
istatus M Manually Added
AAutomatically Added
iactive Y Yes - active model (refresh list with auto tools)
NNo - inactive (don't bother checking)
Some Recommended Site Abbrievations
isite AMK AMKingdom.com (aka ATK Galeria)

Assoc Table

This is the assoc table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields.
create table assoc 
( assocno			number(9) primary key,
  amodelno			number(6) references models,
  asetno			number(9) references sets,
  astatus			char(1),
  aadded                        date,
  aamended                      date

Values For Short Fields In Assoc Table
astatus M Manually Added
GGenerated Automatically
RComing SoonRelationship entry - not the primary model for this set.

Download Table

This is the download table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields. There are a lot of statuses I know, but they each do mean something different; for instance an error set is kept around such that a future auto-generated pull list realises we have already seen that set and doesn't just pull it again as it would if we didn't keep it around.
create table download
( downloadno				number(7) primary key,
  dmodelno                              number(6) references models,
  dsetno                                number(9) references sets,
  dstatus                               char(1),
  dtype                                 char(1),
  dsite                                 varchar2(20) not null,
  dkey                                  varchar2(30),
  dsetkey                               varchar2(40),
  dsetname                              varchar2(240),
  dnotes                                varchar2(240),
  durl                                  varchar2(240),
  darchive                              varchar2(240),
  dpulled                               date,
  dadded                                date,
  damended                              date

Values For Short Fields In Download Table
dstatus U Not yet attempted
FFailed - Retry
SSuccessful - in database
PPending - awaiting unpacking
AAborted - don't download for some reason
DDeferred - held back from being downloaded
RRelationship Entry - a second model for a set
EError - not the right model, etc
dtype I Image Set
VVideo Clip
AAudio File

Photographer Table

This is the download table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields.
create table photographer
( pref             varchar2(6) primary key,
  pname            varchar2(40),
  paliases         varchar2(80),
  pgender          char(1),
  paddress         varchar2(120),
  pemail           varchar2(80),
  pwebsite         varchar2(80),
  pusual           varchar2(40),
  pregion          varchar2(20),
  pcountry         varchar2(50),
  plocation        varchar2(50),
  pstyledesc	   varchar2(80),
  prating	   number(2),
  phardness        number(2),
  psolo		   char(1),
  ptoys            char(1),
  plesbian         char(1),
  pstraight        char(1),
  pgroup           char(1),
  pfetish          char(1),
  pdigital	   char(1),
  pfilm		   char(1),
  pvideo           char(1),
  phdvideo         char(1),
  pcamera	   varchar2(40),
  pcamnotes        varchar2(80),
  pcomments        varchar2(240),
  pnotes           varchar2(240),
  pbiography       varchar2(1024),
  padded           date,
  pamended         date

Values For Short Fields In Photographer Table
pgender M Male
pregion Europe Europe
North AmericaUSA and Canada
South AmericaSouth and Central America
Middle EastMiddle East (brave photographer!)
IndiaIndia and the Indian Sub-continent
AsiaAsia (excluding Indian Sub-continent, aka Orient)
AustralasiaAustralia and New Zealand
prating 0 None
phardness 0 None
1Soft-focus (very arty)
4Hard (close-ups)
psolo Y - Yes, does this
O - Occasionally does this
N - No, doesn't do this
pdigital Y - Yes, uses this technology
N - No, doesn't use this technology

Tag Table

This is the tag table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields.
create table tag
( tagno				number(9) primary key,
  tmodelno                      number(6) references models,
  tsetno                        number(9) references sets,
  tstatus			char(1),
  tflag				char(1),
  tgroup			number(3),
  tdesc				varchar2(40),
  towner			varchar2(20),
  texpiry			date,
  tadded			date,
  tamended			date 

Values For Short Fields In Tag Table
tstatus T Temporary
tflag M Model-based tag entry
SSet-based tag entry

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