A simple example of using addmodel would be:
% addmodel name=Sarah hair=Redhead length=Normal titsize=Small pussy=Shaven image=Sarah-1.jpg Sarah is not known Name: Sarah Hair Colour: Redhead Hair Length: Normal Titsize: Small Attributes: Pussy: S Aliases: Usual Source: Image: Source: RefNo: OK to add (x for exclude) ? (y/n/x): y Model number is 2249 SQL: insert into models (modelno, mname, mhair, mlength, mtitsize, mattributes, maliases, musual, mimage, mstatus, mflag, mpussy, madded) values( '2249','Sarah' ,'Redhead','Normal','Small','','','','','A','N','S','9-OCT-2006') % |
Legal Values In AddModel | |||
Hair Colour | Hair Length | Titsize | Pussy |
Blonde | Short | Tiny | Shaven |
Brunette | Shoulder | Small | Trimmed |
Redhead | Normal | Normal | Hairy |
Dark | Long | Large |
In practice, the addmodel command line is usually a bit more complex, lets consider an example from amkingdom.com.
% addmodel name=Erika hair=Brunette length=Long titsize=Tiny pussy=Shaven attrib utes='shaven tinytit tattoo' refno=eri046 altref=12475 source=AMK usual=amkingdo m.com image=amkingdom/Erika-1.jpg [...] % |
% cd image_location/redheads/smalltits/Sarah % addassoc Sarah Sarah_* 1. Sarah with Long Redhead hair and Small tits - model number=2249 Name: Sarah Hair Colour: Redhead Hair Length: Long Titsize: Small Attributes: shaven tattoo Aliases: Usual Source: Image: Sarah-1.jpg RefNo: 2249 Continue (y/n)? y DB record found: setno 10661, title: Sarah PinkDressNoPanties GardenBenchDildo Added association between Sarah (2249) and set 10661 % |
% generate redheads/smalltits/Sarah [...] COMPLETED: 12 new records inserted, 7 updated. Calling make_index() with redheads/smalltits/Sarah %all that is then needed is to do the appropriate addassoc command to associate the newly added sets with Sarah (see above). Generate can recursively scan from the top of the images tree (or from any point on the sub-tree), but probably best avoided if you have a large number of directories in the system.
As was mentioned in the overview, certain keywords are recognised within
the directory name and used to define various special attributes in the
default metadata. Whether the metadata is manipulated manually, semi-
manually or automatically is controlled by the sauto flag for each set
record within the sets table. These guesses are performed by the function
guesscatinfo() in updateinfo. For now, it's probably
best to look at the source code of that function to get some idea of how
this works. Hopefully some more detailed documentation can be added in
due course.
updateinfo - work out set status and
Please see the information given in the section on generate above.
genvideo - import video files into the Wacs
Genvideo performs much the same functions as the combination of
generate and updateinfo for the importation of video clips into the Wacs
system. It actually also includes aspects of another program too called
chkdownload (which will either be released shortly, or it's code features
incorporated into updateinfo).
However the video naming convention is a lot simpler and
what meta data there is in inferred from the download record as very
little information can be gleaned from the name of the file itself.
Note that although the relative pathnames appear the same, genvideo
operates in a parallel space under the videos tree in the file system.
To import a directory of Sarah's videos, you would do: genvideo
redheads/smalltits/Sarah and it will scan that directory for
.mpg, .wmv, .mov and .avi files. Note that the icons are automatically
referred to by the same pathname but in the vidicons directory. Therefore
for sarah01.mpg in videos/redheads/smallbreasts/Sarah, you
would place the corresponding icon file as sarah01.jpg in
updatestats - update model statistics
The model record keeps some basic statistics about the sets and types
of activity featured in those sets in order to better describe the model
and her activities (on camera). Of course, much of this information is
ultimately derived from the sets she features in; for instance, if she
features in a lesbian set, the assumption is that she does lesbian scenes
on camera! Obviously examining every set each time a model page is loaded
is unlikely to be very practical, so the schema design has this data
cached. Updatestats is the program that updates this cached attribute
data in the model record. It should be run periodically, probably nightly
via the cron command.
These commands read XML files which come as part of the distribution and
use the contents of those files to populate some of the database tables
with some sensible initial values.
vendpop - populate the vendors table
This command reads the vendors.xml table and populates the vendors table
with some useful example site (aka vendor) description records. These
provide examples on how to configure the automatic download system as
embodied in the chkmodel and getarc programmes, and should be directly
usuable for any of the sites listed as soon as you add an appropriate
username, password and subscription expiry date and set the subscription