WACS: Database Schemas

Database Schemas: Contents

Models Table

This is the main models table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields. Please see the section on addmodel in the command line applications section for details of basic attributes: hair colour, length, titsize, etc.
create table models 
( modelno           number(6) primary key,
  mname             varchar2(40),
  mhair		    varchar2(15),
  mlength           varchar2(20),
  mtitsize          varchar2(10),
  mcupsize          char(1),
  meyes             varchar2(15),
  mrace		    varchar2(15),
  mattributes	    varchar2(60),
  maliases          varchar2(60),
  mdisting	    varchar2(80),
  musual            varchar2(60),
  mimage            varchar2(80),
  mbigimage	    varchar2(80),
  mstatus	    char(1),
  mrating           char(1),
  mpussy	    char(1),
  mflag		    char(1),
  mvideos           char(1),
  msolo             char(1),
  mstraight         char(1),
  mlesbian          char(1),
  mfetish           char(1),
  mother            char(1),
  mnsets            number(4),
  mnimages          number(7),
  mnvideos          number(4),
  mcountry          varchar2(30),
  mhometown	    varchar2(80),
  mage		    number(3),
  mageyear          number(4),
  mcstatus          char(1),
  mvitbust          number(4),
  mvitwaist         number(4),
  mvithips          number(4),
  mbuild            char(1),
  mheight           number(3),
  mweight           number(3),
  moccupation       varchar2(30),
  mcontact	    varchar2(80),
  mnotes	    varchar2(240),
  madded            date,
  mamended	    date

Defined Values For The Models Table

Values For Short Fields In Models Table
mstatus A Automatically Added, Details Not Checked
M Manually Added, Details Not Checked
NNormal - Checked
GGood - Thoroughly Checked
PPlaceholder - Not Real Person
mrating 5 Finest (included in Q= searches)
4Very Good (included in Q= searches)
3Good (not included in Q= searches)
2Reasonable (not included in Q= searches)
1Mediocre (not included in Q= searches)
0None Specified (listed in U= searches)
mpussy H Hairy
NNot Specified
mflag N None
SFavourite Solo
LFavourite Lesbian
CFavourite Cutie
FFavourite Straight
mvideos Y - Yes, does this
N - No, doesn't do this
updated by updatestats
mcstatus C Certain - country of origin stated in bio
IInferred - from location or other models seen with
GGuess - based on photographer or building style
mrace Caucasian Caucasian - European Descent aka White
Oriental Oriental - Chinese, Japanese, SE Asian
Asian Indian Sub-Continent - India, Pakistan, etc
Negroid Negroid - of African Descent aka Black
Aboriginal Aboriginal - indigenous peoples - First Nation, Polynesian, etc
Latina Latin American - aka Hispanic
Mixed Mixed race and others
mbuild V Very Slim
S Slim
M Medium
H Heavy
mheight in cms All three values given in metric (centimetres and kilos respectively) to allow searching by numeric value - converters to and from imperial units will be provided.
mweight in kilos

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