create table photographer ( pref varchar2(6) primary key, pname varchar2(40), paliases varchar2(80), pgender char(1), paddress varchar2(120), pemail varchar2(80), pwebsite varchar2(80), pusual varchar2(40), pregion varchar2(20), pcountry varchar2(50), plocation varchar2(50), pstyledesc varchar2(80), prating number(2), phardness number(2), psolo char(1), ptoys char(1), plesbian char(1), pstraight char(1), pgroup char(1), pfetish char(1), pdigital char(1), pfilm char(1), pvideo char(1), phdvideo char(1), pcamera varchar2(40), pcamnotes varchar2(80), pcomments varchar2(240), pnotes varchar2(240), pbiography varchar2(1024), padded date, pamended date ); |
Values For Short Fields In Photographer Table | ||
pgender | M | Male |
F | Female | |
U | Unknown | |
pregion | Europe | Europe |
North America | USA and Canada | |
South America | South and Central America | |
Middle East | Middle East (brave photographer!) | |
Asia | Asia (India and the Indian Sub-continent ONLY) | |
Orient | Orient (Asia excluding Indian Sub-continent) | |
Australasia | Australia and New Zealand | |
Africa | Africa | |
Other | Other | |
prating | 0 | None |
1 | Awful | |
2 | Poor | |
3 | Reasonable | |
4 | Good | |
5 | Excellent | |
phardness | 0 | None |
1 | Soft-focus (very arty) | |
2 | Glamour | |
3 | Normal | |
4 | Hard (close-ups) | |
5 | Fetish | |
psolo | Y - Yes, does this O - Occasionally does this or N - No, doesn't do this |
ptoys | ||
plesbian | ||
pstraight | ||
pgroup | ||
pfetish | ||
pdigital | Y - Yes, uses this technology or N - No, doesn't use this technology |
pfilm | ||
pvideo | ||
phdvideo |