Web-based Adult Content Server

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

We've only ever been asked one... so here it is Q: Can WACS be used on multiple virtual servers on the same machine?
A: Absolutely. Simple instructions for doing it can be found in AppNote 02
More seriously, we will try and add some useful instructions and advice to this page as we think of things we think might be useful.

Getting Help

If you go to the Wacs web site you will find details of the support options available. Starting with the 0.7.3 release of Wacs, it's possible to increase the debugging information generated by using the debug section of the configuration file. The output of this will greatly aid timely resolution of your problem. Details on what the settings are and how to change them can be found in the debug section of the configuration page.

AppNotes: Application Notes

These are documents that outline specific proceedures for specialised tasks:
  1. Recreating Old-Style Vendor Mode menus - how to recreate the old by-vendor menu style using the new XML-based menu system.
  2. Running Multiple WACS instances - how to run multiple WACS sites on a single web server through apache virtual hosting.

Position Statement - Where We're At

With release 0.8.0 we now describe WACS in it's listings on sourceforge.net, launchpad.net and freshmeat.net as a beta grade package suitable for developers and advanced end users. This is a major change as the previous release 0.7.4 was listed as alpha software. There will be a further change, currently planned for around 0.8.2 when we plan on releasing .rpm and .deb packages allowing WACS to be used by an even wider audience. Release 0.8.1 is planned as a bug fix/maintenance release for anything that shows up in the 0.8.0 release and for a few little apps that didn't make the 0.8.0 release blocker list.

To give you a little context and background on our release structure, the initial package release was 0.5 back in November 2006, with an additional digit added as we increased the release frequency through the 0.6.x series. The 0.6.x release series saw a lot of work on collection browsing tools and at the end of this series we were reasonably happy with the user interface (although it also had a big makeover in 0.8.0 as the result of some usability testing, etc with novice users). Never-the-less, it should have been quite usable by most people. The problem with the 0.6.x series was that in order for a collection to exist in the first place, it has to be prepared for and imported into the Wacs system. This was done originally by pretty esoteric command line tools, which while documented reasonably thoroughly almost certainly require some SQL and *nix experience to use effectively. (These commands still exist and can still be used if you prefer them...)

In the 0.7.x release series, we worked towards the goal of an entirely web-based collection management interface. It'll still require some level of understanding of the method and nature of tagging sets and videos in Wacs, but will not require the use of extraneous skills such as SQL and *nix experience. The end of the 0.7.x series saw us doing some cleaning up - removing the older "relics" that are still part of the system like the old index.php "front page" from before wacsfp existed. At that point we progressed to the 0.8.x release series at which point we declared WACS to be Beta quality and tried to encourage a larger audience for it. We achieved that landmark around the middle of 2008 with the release of 0.8.0, the first Beta release of WACS.

Our plans for the next few months include a bug fix/maintenance release called 0.8.1 which will also include a couple of new utilities that didn't make the cut for 0.8.0. After that there will be a release called 0.8.2 at which point we will be building .rpm and .deb packages for Wacs in order to make it easier to install.

What happens to WACS beyond that is somewhat unclear. We believe it is very capable of hosting commercial web sites via use of it's PHP interface with the core perl-based environment being used primarily for content management. We are certainly considering making a commercial version of WACS - the core applications will remain GPL as will the PHP interface, but additional applications in the CRM (Customer Relationship Management), support request tracking, news and forum areas and along with a set of web site templates might well be available as a commercial add-on with support options. We're starting to look at the design and interfacing issues at this point, but no firm decision has been taken. We are also considering creating a live demonstration site allowing people to see and interact with a populated Wacs installation featuring a range of our own photosets.

On the free side, we are intrested in creating a public data repository that will enable people to find additional sources of sets by models they particularly like from vendors they were not previously aware of. Whether the industry will welcome this kind of cross-promotion or for some reason seek to stop it, we have no idea, but it seems like a cool idea to us.

Supported Distributions

While WACS should work on just about any *nix platform, the installer script is by it's very nature VERY platform specific and at present is only developed/tested on these specific platforms. Once we're comfortably into the 0.8.x series, we plan on making RPM packages for Fedora and deb packages for Ubuntu available to ease the installation process. In the longer term, it is our intention to support at least one of the enterprise versions of Linux, particularly for customers of support services - until very recently these have not been suitable due to having obsolete versions of apache, MySQL and PHP. MacOS X support may also feature before too much longer (see notes below).

About MacOS X

We've made a start at looking at doing a MacOS X version, and we actually do have some of the Wacs applications running at this point on a MacBook Pro.... however, we've hit problems. Here are the biggies:
If someone out there with more Mac packaging skills than we have wants to look into this, Wacs could be released for MacOS X (MySQL-based only) fairly quickly. It isn't top of our development priorities to organise a pre-built software repository in order to support running Wacs on the Mac. We'd rather be working on the core code where everyone benefits - so come on MacLovers, get in touch.... and give us a hand.
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