
addlinks — add standard top-of-the-page menus


use Wacs;
use WacsUI;


mynamename of the calling program
contextgeneral area of the current page: possible values are modelindex, models, search, tags, newimage or newvideo
titleTitle of the menu (not currently used)
excludename of link to exclude (normally this apps name so it doesn't link to itself
modemenu mode: either normal for old-style simple top line menu or csshoriz to use javascript pull down menus
optionsoptional parameter list (array)
optdescmatching descriptions for the above


The addlinks function is a generalised interface to adding a top of the page menu - you specify a general category into which the page you're writing falls, and it adds an appropriate selection of the standard menus.


addlinks is currently only available in perl. It is assumed php programmers will want more fine-grained control over their menus and so it has not been implemented.