wacs.cfg: Database Environment Section

Table 4.1. Configuration: Database Section

VariableDescriptionTypical Value

Commerical databases such as Oracle 10g usually require the presence of an environment variable to tell their libraries where to find configuration information, libraries, etc. This is the name of that variable; the companion attribute, dbienvvalue, is what value that variable should have.


The value that dbienvvar should be set to; typically the location of the installed database library and configuration files for the database.


This is the connect string that needs to be passed to the perl DBI routines to specify the database type and instance to be connected to. For Oracle it'll be something like dbi:Oracle:orasrv where orasrv is the SID of the database. For MySQL it'll be something like dbi:mysql:wacs:myserver where wacs is the database name and myserver is the name of you database host.


This is the connect string that needs to be passed to the PHP DB routines (php5) to specify the database type and instance to be connected to. For Oracle it'll be something like oci8://wacs:wacs@orahost/orasrv1 where orahost is the host name of the Oracle server and orasrv1 is it's instance name. For MySQL it'll be something like mysql://wacs:wacs@mysqlhost/wacs where the first wacs is the username, the second the password and the third the data area.


This is the format of date used by the underlying database - initially this will be either DD-MON-YYYY (the Oracle format) or YYYY-MM-DD (the MySQL format).


The username to log into the database with.


The password to use in conjuction with the account name given in given in dbuser above to log into the database with.
