wacs.cfg: Layout Section

Table 11.1. Layout Section: wacs.cfg

VariableDescriptionTypical Value
vendormodeWhether to enable the vendor mode pull down menus on the various javascript menus. Should be "Y" or "N". Please see the AppNote section for information on how to reproduce the old-style behaviour on WACS 0.8.x and later.Y
styleWhat mode to use for layout - modelattr is for layout by hair and breast size, gallery is for topic-based galleries.gallery
thumbsizeThe maximum size of thumbnails for a set. Obviously since most images are not square, this will typically be the larger of whichever two dimensions the icon has.220
thumbcountNumber of set thumb nails to be displayed going across the web page. 4
thumbrowsNumber of set thumb nails rows to be displayed in paged-mode operation, ie wacsindex/page.3
modelcountNumber of model thumb nails to be displayed going across the web page (based on using small size icons, ie 120x156).7
minisizeThe size of minature icons for a set. These are typically dynamically resized by wacsimg on request.110
setspergalleryThe number of sets to be placed in each numbered gallery before moving on to the next available gallery number. [a] 20

[a] only applicable to WACS 0.8.1 and higher