
divideup — make Camel-style text more readable and add HTML markup


use Wacs;
scalar divideup(original_text,  
scalar original_text;
scalar divider;
scalar already_small_font;


The divideup function returns a more readable version of the so-called Camel Style wording used in creating WACS directories. It also embeds HTML directives to try and ensure that even long entries don't take up too much space. The first argument is the original text (typically the field stitle from the sets database), the second (divider) is typically the HTML break tag <br> but could be other things like a table divider sequence </td><td> . The third parameter signifies whether the font in use is already small - if set to 0 (zero), HTML tags to reduce the font size be based on using size is -1 for long lines; if it's set to 1 (one) it'll be assumed they were already using size is -2, and will therefore use size = -3.


divideup is available in both perl and php.