
wacsexport — export a WACS model record as an XML file


wacsexport [--noimages] model_number



the number of the model you wish to export details of.



specifies that images should not be included. This is used to exclude copyrighted images when exporting model information for public distribution (ie posting on a forum).


The wacsexport command exports all of the information the current WACS installation knows about the specified model as an XML file called by her name and model number. Thus exporting Kaz B's model record from would create an XML file called KazB-3.xml. This includes not only the basic model record but also all of her identity map (idmap) records and all related download records. Additionally it also includes any headshot or other icon pictures it has of her (unless told not to via --noimages) as Base-64 encoded elements within the XML file.

The resulting XML file is suitable for emailing, etc as it is "ASCII armoured" for the protection of binary data (ie images). It can be imported into another WACS installation using either the wacsimport command or the upload function of the wacsmodelmgr (WACS Model Manager> web application. The transfer of sets themselves and their associated descriptive data (metadata) is handled seperately by the wacsxmlout and wacsxmlin commands.


wacsexport 3 would create a file called KazB-3.xml if Kaz B is model 3 on the current WACS installation.

See Also

wacsimport(1), wacsxmlin(1), wacsxmlout(1)