wacsxmlout - Exporting Set Details

In parallel with the wacsexport/wacsimport commands for the exchange of model data between Wacs installations, there are corresponding commands called wacsxmlout and wacsxlmin for the exchange of set data. It is important to realise that unlike the model XML file exchangers, these do not carry anything more than the information and icons. The actual set contents themselves must be transfered seperately. It is quite possible to send someone just the Wacs Set XML file and for them to combine it with a zip file downloaded off a subscription web site using their own credentials on that site.

To use wacsxmlout, you call it much as before this time using just the set number for the what you want exported - thus to export set 417, you would use:

% wacsxmlout 417

This will create a file called set417.xml in the current directory. In addition to import it, you will need a suitable zip file with a matching name; for set 417 this would be something like set417.zip, or set417.wmv or set417.mpg if it's a movie clip. These names should match what it's saved as when you download it from a Wacs installation. This command does imbed an icon of the set inside the XML file unless it is told not to using the --noimages option.