
describeher — tries to make a sensible sentance out of model data


use Wacs;
use Wacs::WacsUI;
scalar describeher(...); 


nameHer name
hometownWhere she says she's from - might be place of birth or current home
countryThe country she comes from
ageHer reported age
ageyearThe year in which that age was given
hairThe colour of her hair
lengthThe length of her hair
titsizeThe size of her breasts
cupsizeThe cupsize of her breasts if known
pussyThe usual style of her pubic hair
labiadescription of her labia (New in 0.9.0)
raceHer race (in broad terms)
eyesThe colour of her eyes
distmarksdistingishing marks - easy ways to recognise her
buildher phyiscal build/body type
heighther height in centimetres (NB: field not suitable for imperial values)
weighther weight in kilograms (NB: field not suitable for imperial values)
vitbusther bust measurement in centimetres
vitwaisther waist measurement in centimetres
vithipsher hips measurement in centimetres
starsignher starsign if known
occupationher occupation (if stated)
aliasesother names she's known by
bioany additional biography text
unitsoverride configuration file when giving units: imperial or metric


The describeher tries to make a readable biography entry out of the various model attribute parameters in the model table. The result is returned as a string.


describeher is available in both perl and php. The fields name, hometown, country, age, ageyear, bio and units were added in WACS 0.8.2.