
masthead — top of page banner for set-based apps


use Wacs;
use Wacs::WacsStd;


setnoThe set number
stypeThe set type (single letter database format)
scatinfoThe attributes for the set
scatflagThe set type flag (single letter database format)
stitleThe assigned set title, aka standard description
sofftitleThe official title (usually from original site)
sareaToplevel directory entry
scategoryMiddle level directory entry
sdirectorylowest level - actual holding directory (filename for videos)
simagesNumber of images in the set
sindexesNumber of index images for the set
saspectaspect ratio (mainly for videos)
sformatfile format for this set (.jpg, .png, .mov, .wmv etc)
sdurhrsvideo or DVD scene duration - hours value
sdurminvideo or DVD scene duration - minutes value
sdursecvideo or DVD scene duration - seconds valus
sphotogphotographer reference code (references pref in photographer)
sfoundryorganisation where the set came from
modelnoassociated model number
downloadnoassociated download record number
useiconwhen working with a set number 0, attempt to get an icon by asking for a thumbnail of the first image
addlinksadd set browsing links to the masthead centre section
widthmake the masthead table the specified width only
dbhandlethe current database handle object


masthead generates a standard top-of-the-page banner heading for any page that is intended to document or amend a standard set record. It does a best efforts with whatever fields it has passed to it.


masthead is only available in Perl.