A Few Final Words About Hosting

When using WACS to host commercial content, do please consider the requirements of the US law 18 USC 2257 to do with holding records proving the ages of the models featured on your site. Please make sure that your declarations make sense - as of Wacs 0.9.1, there is a sample commercial site declaration but it has to be enabled by modifying the source code of the wacsusc2257 command in the directory called retrieval of the source tree or in the install location on your server (usually /usr/share/wacs/cgi-bin if you've installed using packages). Look for the following line in this program:

$declmode='P';   # private server

and change it to:

$declmode='C';   # commercial server

In addition to this, you should pay attention to the declaration source pulldown and production date fields which can be updated using wacsinfomgr for each set.

Please do also remember that commercial support, training, consultancy and customisation services for WACS are available from Bevtec Communications Ltd at www.bevteccom.co.uk.