Easyinstall: Download

WACS is obtainable from sourceforge where it is known as WACSip because of a name clash with a different package. The sourceforge site contains the latest code, documentation, news articles, mailing list details and even some screenshots. The URL is http://wacsip.sourceforge.net. You can obtain WACS either by downloading one of the official releases or by pulling the very latest "bleeding edge" version from the Subversion repository. We do not use the older CVS version control system at all; WACS is a new project so it was started fresh under Subversion (svn). The official releases are also mirrored at http://launchpad.net/wacs.

To get the latest official release, go to the sourceforge project page and click on download. If the latest release is 0.8.1, then download wacs-0.8.1.tar.gz. Once downloaded, save it somewhere appropriate for unpacking - the installation will work without the archive, although there are sample configs and docuentation files which are not installed anywhere. If for instance you've decided to keep wacs in an "src/wacs" directory of your home directory and your web browser has placed the downloaded file on your Desktop, do:

% cd
% mkdir -p src/wacs
% cd src/wacs
% tar -xzvf ~/Desktop/wacs-0.8.1.tar.gz
x wacs-0.8.1/README
% cd wacs-0.8.1

Alternatively to get the very latest version from the sourceforge subversion repository, do the following:

% cd
% mkdir -p src/wacs
% cd src
% svn co https://wacsip.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wacsip/trunk wacs
% cd wacs