
conf_dosubs — do substitutions for the standard wacs configuration variables


use Wacs;
scalar conf_dosubs(...); 


stringThe string on which the substitutions should take place.
optionsFor passing in the options passed to the routine when called, will be sustituted for #OPTIONS# within the configuration string.
optdescFor a matching description for the above, will be substituted for #OPTDESC# within the configuration string.


The conf_dosubs function makes substitutions for the standard wacs configuration variables within configuration files. It is used by various function calls within the WacsUI module including the menu handling functions, generalised from the previous menu_dosubs function. It is functionally compatible with menu_dosubs so if you did make use of the original (private) function, you can use this as a direct replacement.

In addition to substituting #OPTIONS# and #OPTDESC# with the matching parameters, it will also substitute the appropriate variables from the configuration files: #BASEURL#, #CGIURL#, #ICONURL#, #SITEURL#, #WACSURL#, #WACSMAIN#, #WACSALLM#, #WACSMODP#, #WACSMTHU# and #NEWPERIOD#.


conf_dosubs is only available in Wacs 0.9.0 and later and is available in both perl and php.