wacs.cfg: Layout Section

Table 15.1. Layout Section: wacs.cfg

VariableDescriptionTypical Value
vendormodeWhether to enable the vendor mode pull down menus on the various javascript menus. Should be "Y" or "N". Please see Chapter 6, Custom Configurations for information on how to reproduce the old-style behaviour on WACS 0.8.x and later.Y
styleWhat mode to use for layout - modelattr is for layout by hair and breast size, gallery is for topic-based galleries.gallery

File to use as the main menu file - this file should exist in the standard WACS configuration directory - typically /etc/wacs.d and by default is called menu.cfg. This attribute was new in WACS 0.9.0.

thumbsizeThe maximum size of thumbnails for a set. Obviously since most images are not square, this will typically be the larger of whichever two dimensions the icon has.220
thumbcountNumber of set thumb nails to be displayed going across the web page. 4
thumbrowsNumber of set thumb nails rows to be displayed in paged-mode operation, ie wacsindex/page.3
modelcountNumber of model thumb nails to be displayed going across the web page (based on using small size icons, ie 120x156).7
minisizeThe size of minature icons for a set. These are typically dynamically resized by wacsimg on request.110
largesizeThe size of large icons for a set. These are typically dynamically resized by wacsimg on request. [a]480
basesizeThe size of the default or base icon created by wacsgenimg and then used as the basis for all subsequent resizes to large, std and mini for image icons. Does not currently apply to video icons but could as more sets become UHD level resolution. [b]1080
setspergalleryThe number of sets to be placed in each numbered gallery before moving on to the next available gallery number. 20
unitsThe units of measurement to be displayed (database is all metric values); can be either metric or imperial .metric
mpdividersControls whether or not the dividing bars between media types should be included when drawing the model page. mpdividers can be set to either Y or N. [c] Y
newperiodControls the period for which a model, image set or video is considered to be new. This affects what is shown by wacsnewmodels, wacsnewsets and wacsnewvideo. The period is given in number of days - certain common combinations are recognised and given text names: 6, 7 or 8 means week; 14 or 15 means fortnight; 28, 29, 30 or 31 means month; and 90, 91 or 92 means quarter.31
updatestatsControls whether the wacsupdstat (formerly known as updatestats) program creates a blog entry when it runs. This defaults to nothing which causes no blog entry to be created. If you set it to blog:notes this will send the blog output to a new record in the notes database.blog:notes

[a] only applicable to WACS 1.0.0 and higher

[b] only applicable to WACS 1.0.0 and higher

[c] only applicable to WACS 0.8.4 and higher

[d] only applicable to WACS 0.8.5 and higher

[e] only applicable to WACS 0.9.0 and higher