Data Manuipulation

The addmodel Command


Unless you're using this from a script or similar, you will find that using the model manager (see Chapter 6, wacsmodelmgr - The Wacs Model Manager) is a much better idea. Almost all models created using addmodel will require additional work afterwards.

The addmodel script is a command line interface to creating models (and actually IDmaps as well). It takes the form of the command addmodel itself followed by a row of space separated name=value pairs. A simple example session with addmodel would look like this:

% addmodel name=Sarah hair=Redhead length=Normal titsize=Small pussy=Sh
aven attributes=shaven image=Sarah-1.jpg
Sarah is not known
Name: Sarah
Hair Colour: Redhead 
Hair Length: Normal
Titsize: Small
Attributes: shaven
Pussy: S
Usual Source:
Image: Sarah-1.jpg
OK to add (x for exclude) ? (y/n/x): y
Model number is 1
SQL: insert into models (modelno, mname, mhair, mlength, mtitsize, 
mattributes, maliases, musual, mimage, mstatus, mflag, mpussy, madded)
values( '1','Sarah' ,'Redhead','Normal','Small','','','','','A','N',

It is worth noting that this program calls the GNOME "eog" Unix/ Linux image viewer to display the model icon, but could easily be changed to run display, xv or some other image viewer. The variable imgviewer at the top of the program controls this. It is not critical if it's not present or can't make a connection to an X-server. In most cases, addmodel will actually prompt for the major items of data if they are missing from the command line. It currently prompts for hair colour, length, titsize, pussy and attributes. If a source is specified but no usual, it will default it (in most cases).

At this point, it's probably worth visiting the Newly Added Models section of your WACS web site to check that Sarah has indeed appeared as intended. The following table lays out the names that addmodel recognises along with the legal values for each one - neither name or value is case sensitive except for the model name that is expected to be naturally capitalised, any value that contains a space should be enclosed in double quotes:

Table 17.2. Attribute Names And Legal Values In addmodel

NameLegal Values
hairblonde, brunette, redhead, dark
lengthshort, shoulder, normal, long
titsizetiny, small, normal, large
attributesany valid attribute keyword or space separated list of keywords
pussyhairy, trimmed, brazilian, shaven
aliasesany name or comma separated list of names
usualsite name of where her sets were first found
imagepathname to her headshot file - the same name will be checked for in both bigicon and normal icon areas; if present in the bigicon area, it will be set as well. The value given here will be set for the normal icon even if the file doesn't currently exist.
refnothe primary model key on this site
altrefthe alternate model key on this site

So long as you specify both a source site and a refno , the appropriate IDmap will be added too. Here is a more complex example of using addmodel:

% addmodel name=Erika hair=Brunette length=Long titsize=Tiny pussy=Sha
ven attributes='shaven tinytit tattoo' refno=eri046 altref=12475 sourc
e=AMK image=amkingdom/Erika-1.jpg

If we just review the extra entries used here, we'll see that the setting of attributes adds some extra information to aid searching by models - in this case, her unusual attributes that differ from what is "normal" are that she has exceptionally small breasts, a completely shaven pussy and a few tattoos.

The next keyword refno normal contains her model number at the source site; usually this is just a simple number. However in the case of the AMKingdom web site, there is a corporate wide identity which takes the form of three letters and then three numbers; in her case eri for Erika and 046 which we assume means she's the 46th model added with the first three letters of eri. Some of the other AMK group sites, such as ATK Premium navigate using the corporate id as the "model key", but the AMKingdom site (aka ATK Galeria) uses an older system based on a numeric reference. This is the altref specified here. We have also encountered a system (now thankfully gone from the site concerned) where the video index used a different model key from the image sets index. Generally having the dual key support available in the IDmaps just adds to the flexibility of the system. The source parameter gives us the domain in which these keys apply. In this case we're setting it to "AMK" for (which is now known as ATK Galleria but we've stuck with the old abrieviation). With these three specified, we'll be adding a record in the idmap table as well, mapping Erika with our model number 2075 to being Erika from with corporate id eri046 and model key 12475. Additional id mappings (for instance Erika also appears on ATExotics) can be easily added using the Identity Management feature in the model manager or can be added manually using SQL.

The next name usual merely makes a comment in the models table of where we usually find this model, in practice this usually means where we first found her! (This is defaulted to whatever source is set to if not specified.) The final attribute image specifies an icon for her (conventionally resized to 120x156) and in this case the icons have been subdivided by source site, so her icon appears in the amkingdom sub-directory. It also checks for the same name of file existing in the bigicons directory, and if it does, that is added too.

The addassoc Command

The addassoc command provides a way of manually adding an association between a model and a set. To use addassoc you need to be in the directory where the set directory itself is located - so if you're trying to connect a model called Sarah to a set in a gallery called nudity/gallery003 you would need to do the following:

% cd /home/wacs/images/nudity/gallery003
% addassoc Sarah Sarah_*
1. Sarah with Long Redhead hair and Small tits - model number=1
Name: Sarah
Hair Colour: Redhead
Hair Length: Long
Titsize: Small
Usual Source: 
Image: Sarah-1.jpg
RefNo: 1
Continue (y/n)? y
DB record found: setno 1, title: Sarah PinkDressNoPanties GardenBenchDildo
Added association between Sarah (1) and set 1

A a set has to be known by WACS before you can associate it with any model, so in most cases the wacsgenimg command discussed below needs to have been run first.

If you now click on the link on Sarah's image or name on the Newly Added Models list, you should see her model-thumbs page with the new photoset featured on it. You might also wish edit the sets details using the set manager or to re-run the wacsupdinfo command to import any of the model's attributes (shaven, tattoo, etc) into the set details as well.

The wacsdelset Command

wacsdelset is passed a single argument of a directory name (which is assumed to contain an image set known to Wacs) or video file name and proceeds to delete the database records related to it in the correct order. Once complete it moves the files into the delset_trash directory of the download directory where they can be checked one more time before the files themselves are erased.

% cd /home/wacs/images/nudity/gallery003
% wacsdelset Sarah_PinkDressNoPanties_GardenBenchDildo
Set Number 14 to be deleted.
The set in Sarah_PinkDressNoPanties_GardenBenchDildo has been deregist
ered from Wacs.
The contents has been placed in /var/spool/wacs/download/delset_trash.
You may wish to check them and then remove them.