wacs.cfg: security

Table 12.1. Security Section: wacs.cfg

VariableDescriptionTypical Value

How to attempt authentication: initially this is "host" which means use whatever the web server uses itself but you can alternatively set it to database to allow use of the wacsuser table to provide user and password authentication sources. There are a couple of apps that allow maitenance of user records in wacsuser

barredusersA comma separated list of those valid users of the server system who are not allowed to log into WACS. Most likely this might be the kids or possibly spouses who would take exception to the material - the consequences of putting people in this list are on your head!wilma,barney
powerusersA list of people who should be granted power user status when they login through wacslogin. This enables manipulation of tag lists and in due course, ratings, etc.dino
adminusersThe highest grade of access - administrators allowed to do anything in the Wacs system tools.fred,root
admingroupThe Unix group owner of the wacs image tree - admin users as listed above, plus the web server owner (www or apache) need to all be members of this group.wacs
leasetimeThe period in hours (number with an h after it) or minutes (number with an m after it) that a lease should be granted for to a given IP address; this could be fairly long lived if it's mainly a friends ADSL line which may change periodically (say 24 or 48), or fairly short if you worry about a subsequent user on the same PC as you were surfing from (say 1 or 2).24h
leasefileThe name of the leases file. This will be in the location specified by the leasedir option in the fsloc (file system locations) section, unless that doesn't exist, in which case it'll be created in /tmp. This file is in the same format as the permanent access control list in the Wacs configuration directory.leases.acl
cachelistA comma seperated list of the directories into which .htaccess files should be dropped. By default this value is null, which in turn will cause the update_auth call to user the values of two variables in the fsloc (file system locations) section; contenti and contentv for this. /images,/videos,/var/www/privatecgi
servertypeThe name of the type of server being used so that the .htaccess files (or similar) are generated in the correct format. Currently accepts apache2.2 and apache2.4.apache2.2