
wacscachectl — Controls the content caching mechanism within WACS


wacscachectl [options] set_number



the action you want to perform - currently --create, --rebuild, --autobuild and --help are the only ones supported. Each of these has a one-character alias -c, -r, -a and -h respectively.


The set number to work on


The point in the tree you wish to start (--rebuild and --autobuild).


The wacscachectl command is used to configure the links for the content caching system and copy a compilation file created by wacsvidcomb into it's correct home from the process area in the Wacs download area. The command probes the set details in the database to determine what needs to be done (if it can). If it fails, the set probably doesn't have modern set status marking and this can be easily fixed using the wacssetmgr web app.

The simple and most basic mode is --create which takes a single set number as an argument. So long as the set concerned has a set ranking of Primary and has a download archive name specified, this will create the appropriate content cache links. If the set is a multi-part set, it will expect to collect a compilation file created by wacsvidcomb from the unpack area. If this does not exist, it will currently quit with an error suggesting you run wacsvidcomb.

The second mode is --rebuild which takes the argument of a top level directory or relative path within the (currently) video sets area and scans all the sets within it. If the set ranking and download archive name are specified, it will re-create the link to inside the download cache area. This enables video streaming for key file types like mp4 and flv if enabled within the WACS configuration files.

The third mode is --autobuild which goes a step further than --rebuild by attempting to create a reasonably good download archive name for the set from the information available to it. It will still report failure for sets without a ranking specified as this information is absolutely key to how it processes the files in the first place. If you know the content in a given tree is all OK, you can of course do a SQL update to manually set a rank on all the files in a given directory tree as needed.

See Also
