wacsimport — imports details of a model from a WACS XML export file
Data about models can be exchanged between WACS installations by way of a number of XML file formats, one of which is that which describes models. The wacsimport command is provided to load a recieved WACS Model XML file into the WACS system; this includes the model's basic details, her known identities, her known sets and both the large and small headshot icons.
The wacsimport command tries to determine if the model described by the XML file is already known to the current WACS installation. If she isn't, it will create a new record for her, install any headshot icons enclosed in the XML file, add all her known identities and all known set information. If she is, it will update the existing record with any new information included within the XML file. This will include any new identities, known set information (aka download records) and any fields where there is no data already.
For instance, if her hometown
is blank in our local data about her, but present in the XML file, it will
be updated - existing values will not be overwritten. There is one exception
to this in that if an identity is marked as Active or Dormant in the database
and marked as Gone in the XML file, it will be marked as Gone in the
database. This is because it's a data item unlikely to be factually
inaccurate and is very likely to change over time.
Some sample XML model files are provided in the WACS distribution and additional ones will be made available through our demonstration site www.pinkmetallic.com as they become available.