
wacsselin — imports a selection from a WACS XML export file as created by wacsselout


wacsselin tagnumber.xml

wacsselin connnumber.xml


The wacsselin command is a tool to import a selection, either a saved search or a connection, from an XML file containing a selection of sets. It can work with either saved searches (aka tag sets) or with connections and is the counterpart to wacsselout. It's new in WACS 0.8.6 and currently has very limited functionality as it requires all the models and sets to have already been created and just "joins them up". It does however report anything found to be missing, so you can progressively fix it. Future releases will have additional functionality.


To import a previously created selection file that contains a tag set called originally called 40 on the source server:

% wacsselin tag40.xml

See Also

wacsselout(1), wacsimport(1), wacsexport(1), wacsxmlin(1), wacsxmlout(1)