There's a lot of buzz in the IT industry at the moment about dynamic content on the web - also known as Web 2.0. This is where the web page changes what it displays immediately with each selection that you make. So far we've not seen much application of the technology on adult web sites, but as we rather pride ourselves on having the capabilities of the very best, we decided to go ahead and prove we can do it with WACS. The modelsel.php application introduced way back in WACS 0.8.4 is the first example of this. This application simply displays various icons related to hair colour, length, breast size, pubic hair style, complexion, body type and other attributes. As you click on these, the page updates with a selection of model headshots that match the specified criteria.
The modelsel.php application itself is fairly simplistic and it's use of the underlying AJAX architecture has been re-engineered recently to use the industry standard jQuery libraries. We've also used it as a showcase of how realitively easy it is to integrate php-based applications into the main perl based Wacs infra-structure as it shares the look and feel of the perl based apps.
We also have the setsel.php application that does a similar dynamic search thing for sets. Both of these applications have been written in the house style of the main WACS system with the same menus and look. Although these are written in Php, they integrate fully into the main Wacs system.
We do intend to expand on this theme in coming releases with similar dynamic search mechanisms with other cool features.