
media_thumbs — generate appropriate thumbnails for use with video sets


use Wacs;
use Wacs::WacsId;
scalar media_thumbs(...); 


modewhich mode to work in - usually "icons" or "thumbs" but can be anything - it is appended to the file path
startThe number of seconds into the video clip to start producing thumbnails from
numberThe number of icons/thumbnails to produce for this file
stepHow many seconds gap there should be between each icon
fileThe video file to create thumbnails from
sourceThe source directory where the video file can be found
destThe destination directory into where the thumbnails should be written
stemProvides an alternative filename stem for the output thumbnail


The media_thumbs function creates the specified number of thumbnails for the named video file using the external program ffmpegthumbnailer. Amongst other places, this is used by wacsunpackmgr to create some suggested icon screenshots for the video clip being unpacked.


media_thumbs is available in Wacs 0.9.2 and later.