
modelheadshot — creates a model headshot icon and basic info table contents


use Wacs;
use WacsStd;


modelnoThe model number - that is our model number for her.
nameThe model's name that we're looking for - thus if we know the model as Jedda, but know she's known as Jana elsewhere, we'd put Jana here to build up a link along the lines of "Known as Jana at KPC" in the id description field.
howcomeHow we came by this model - this can be S as the result of a name search or I if we're displaying her ID details for a specific site.
whereThe site id or short name for where we found this model called this name
keyThe model's key on the site we're talking about if specified.
dbhandlepointer to the currently active database handle


The modelheadshot is used to produce a basic headshot accompanied by name, attribute icons and optionally details of her identity on a given site. It is a component used in the findmodel function but directly exposed since Wacs 0.8.4 to allow it's use in other places too.


modelheadshot is only available in perl at this time.