WACS: Getting Started


Adding Your First Set

If all went well, you should now be able to start adding content to the WACS system. Select a first image set to try, create the appropriate directories under the WACS home tree, so for instance if we're adding a set by a redheaded girl called Sarah with small tits, we'd do the following:
% cd /home/wacs/images
% mkdir redheads
% cd redheads
% mkdir smalltits
% cd smalltits
% mkdir Sarah
% cd Sarah
% mkdir Sarah_PinkDressNoPanties_GardenBenchDildo
% cd Sarah_PinkDressNoPanties_GardenBenchDildo
% unzip ~/Desktop/Sarahxxxa03.zip
Archive: /home/users/john/Desktop/Sarahxxxa03.zip
  inflating: Sarahxxxa03001.jpg
  inflating: Sarahxxxa03002.jpg
  inflating: Sarahxxxa03003.jpg
  inflating: Sarahxxxa03004.jpg
  inflating: Sarahxxxa03005.jpg
% generate redheads/smalltits/Sarah
Doing only brunettes/smalltits/Sarah subset of the tree
converting /home/wacs/images/redheads/smalltits/Sarah/Sarah_PinkDressNoPanties_GardenBenchDildo/Sarahxxxa03001.jpg to PPM called Sarah_PinkDressNoPanties_GardenBenchDildo.ppm
EMERGING: generate index at redheads/smalltits/Sarah
generate index for redheads/smalltits/Sarah
Starting updateinfo from: /home/wacs/images/redheads/smalltits/Sarah
New One: Generating defaults.
Catinfo guessed to be:  nopanties  outdoors  dildo
Found a match (SE style) - Sarahxxxa03
Adding to database - next no is 1
COMPLETED: 1 new records inserted, 0 updated.
Calling make_index() with redheads/smalltits/Sarah
At this point if you go to the wacs menu, select New Additions and then Newly Added Sets, you should see an entry for this set. Of course at this point, it's just a free standing set, and while that's just fine, it doesn't allow you to use anything like the whole functionality available within WACS. For that we need to have a model record to tie this set to.

Adding Your First Model

As a first step to adding a model, we need to look at some of her pictures and decide what sort of attributes we consider her to have. Based on the above, we've already decided that our model Sarah is a redhead with small tits but we need to consider how long her hair is, and any other attributes we consider pertinent.

Unless we downloaded a suitable "head shot" from the source web site, we also need to select a suitable image from which to crop her face for the image of her in the indexes. Typically this headshot will be scaled to 120 wide by 156 long pixels and be saved as a jpeg; we can optionally also add a bigger image used on the model detail pages - these are usually roughly 250 wide by 330 long, but are much more variable in size since they never appear alongside other images where formatting matters. Using your favourite image editing tool, crop and scale the image and place it into the /var/www/html/wacs/icons directory. If you're also doing the larger image, it goes into /var/www/html/wacs/bigicons directory. NB: these are the default locations, the actual location in your installation is specified in the modicons and modbigicons attributes of the fsloc section of the configuration file.

With the headshot images in place, we then run the addmodel script to add her details to the database:

% addmodel name=Sarah hair=Redhead length=Normal titsize=Small pussy=Shaven image=Sarah-1.jpg
Sarah is not known
Name: Sarah
Hair Colour: Redhead 
Hair Length: Normal
Titsize: Small
Pussy: S
Usual Source:
Image: Sarah-1.jpg
OK to add (x for exclude) ? (y/n/x): y
Model number is 1
SQL: insert into models (modelno, mname, mhair, mlength, mtitsize, mattributes,
maliases, musual, mimage, mstatus, mflag, mpussy, madded) values( '1','Sarah'

There are of course a lot more options that can be specified, please see the addmodel description in the console tools section for more details.

At this point, it's probably worth visiting the Newly Added Models section of your WACS web site to check that Sarah has indeed appeared as intended. The final step to your first set is to connect the model to the set so that when you look at Sarah's model page, the set shows up. To do this, you go to her directory within the image tree and run the addassoc command.

% cd /home/wacs/images/redheads/smalltits/Sarah
% addassoc Sarah Sarah*
1. Sarah with Long Redhead hair and Small tits - model number=1
Name: Sarah
Hair Colour: Redhead
Hair Length: Long
Titsize: Small
Usual Source: 
Image: Sarah-1.jpg
RefNo: 1
Continue (y/n)? y
DB record found: setno 1, title: Sarah PinkDressNoPanties GardenBenchDildo
Added association between Sarah (1) and set 1
If you now click on the link on Sarah's image or name on the Newly Added Models list, you should see her model-thumbs page with the new photoset featured on it. You might also wish to re-run the generate command to import any of the model's attributes (shaven, tattoo, etc) into the set details as well. This is of course not done until the association exists between set and model. For more information on the addassoc command, please see the console tools section of the documentation.
Next Section: The Download System
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