WACS: Database Schemas

Database Schemas: Contents

Sets Table

This is the main sets table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields. Fieldnames in bold are new additions at this release that are not yet required by the production code release (the SVN version probably will require them at any given point).
create table sets
( setno			number(9) primary key,
  stype                 char(1) not null,
  sstatus               char(1) not null,
  sauto                 char(1),
  srating               char(1),
  sflag                 char(1),
  stechqual             number(2),
  svariety              number(2),
  svisits               number(2),
  sformat		varchar2(10),
  scodec                varchar2(40),
  stitle                varchar2(240),
  sofftitle		varchar2(240),
  sofficon		varchar2(160),
  saddicon		varchar2(160),
  sname                 varchar2(80),
  shair                 varchar2(80),
  smodelno              varchar2(40),
  slocation             varchar2(20),
  slocdetail            varchar2(40),
  sphotog		varchar2(6) references photographer,
  ssource               varchar2(80),
  sfoundry              varchar2(80),
  sproddate             date,
  sreldate              date,
  suscattr              char(1),
  snotes                varchar2(240),
  sdesc                 varchar2(2048),
  sindexes              number(6),
  simages               number(6),
  sdurhrs		number(2),
  sdurmin               number(2),
  sdursec               number(2),
  slandx                number(6),
  slandy                number(6),
  sportx                number(6),
  sporty                number(6),
  saspect		varchar(10),
  sbytes		number(12),
  sdvdno		number(6),
  sdvddisc		number(2),
  sdvdtitle		number(3),
  sdvdstartch		number(3),
  sdvdendch             number(3),
  sidlogo		char(1),
  serrors		char(1),
  sduplicates		number(9),
  scatinfo              varchar2(160),
  scatflag		char(1),
  snamestem             varchar2(80),
  sdownload             varchar2(160),
  sarea			varchar2(160),
  scategory		varchar2(160),
  sdirectory		varchar2(240),
  scomments             varchar2(240),
  sadded                date,
  samended              date

Defined Values for The Sets Table

Values For Short Fields In Sets Table
stype I Image Set
VVideo Clip
AAudio File
SDVD Scene
sstatus M Manually Added, Details Not Checked
AAutomatically Added, Details Not Checked
NNormal - Checked
GGood - Thoroughly Checked
sauto N None
LLocation Only - catinfo manual
AAppend to catinfo - remove nothing
FFully auto-generated
srating 5 Finest
4Very Good
0None Specified
stechqual as for srating
svariety 5 Very Unusual
2Cute Twist
0None Specified
sformat JPEG JPEG image
WMVWindows Media Player Video
QTQuickTime .mov Video
MPEGMPEG Video (1/2)
sidlogo U Unknown
YYes - image/video has burnt-in logo
NNo - image/video is clean of bugs
serrors N None detected
FFixed - faulty images/video have been fixed
EEncoding Only - causes message but renders OK
CSome Corrupt Images/Segments of video
scatflag F Fuck - straight sex
LLesbian - lesbian sex
GGroup - more than two people having sex, mixed-gender
TToy - Solo but uses toys such as dildo, vibrator, etc
NNone - not determined yet
BBackstage - Behind The Scenes set featuring this model
CClothed - non-nude set featuring this model
DDuplicate - duplicate set - maybe from a different site
slocation Bathroom Bathroom, Toilet or Shower Cubicle
Kitchen Kitchen or Kitchen area of appartment
Hallway Hallway, Staircase or Entrance
Bedroom Bedroom or other sleeping area
Lounge Lounge, Sitting Room or Other Seating Area
Garden Garden, Back Yard or other residential outside area
suscattr V Vendor based - use vendor's USC declaration address
P Photographer based - use photographer's address for USC declaration
G Generic - include generic text with all vendor addresses
NB: this field will not be used until release 0.7.x

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