WACS: Database Schemas

Database Schemas: Contents

Vendor Table

This is the vendor table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields. The vendor table is probably the most likely to change over time as it is used primarily for the parsing of pages from other websites, and as the techniques used for that purpose become more sophisticated, the requirements for this table which drives that process may well change. Note that the vendors.xml file in the populate directory primes this table with some (potentially useable) sample entries.
create table vendor
( vsite		   varchar2(20) primary key,
  vname		   varchar2(45),
  vshortname	   varchar2(20) not null,
  vregion	   varchar2(20),
  vcountry	   varchar2(50),
  vweburl          varchar2(120),
  vrating          number(2),
  vtechrate        number(2),
  vuscdecl         varchar2(240),
  vcurrent         char(1),
  vshow		   char(1),
  vsubscribed      char(1),
  vuntil           date,
  vusername        varchar2(80),
  vpassword        varchar2(30),
  vidtimg	   number(2),
  vidtvid          number(2),
  vcomexcl	   varchar2(240),
  vmdirectory      varchar2(240),
  vmdiruse         char(1),
  vmdirpages       number(3),
  vmpage	   varchar2(240),
  vmpaguse         char(1),
  vmbio            varchar2(240),
  vmbiouse         char(1),
  vmvideos         varchar2(240),
  vmviduse         char(1),
  vvidpage	   varchar2(240),
  vviduse          char(1),
  vimgpage         varchar2(240),
  vimguse          char(1),
  valtpage         varchar2(240),
  valtuse          char(1),
  vsrvimg	   varchar2(240),
  vsrvvid          varchar2(240),
  vmultimg	   char(1),
  vmultvid         char(1),
  vnotes	   varchar2(240),
  vadded           date,
  vamended         date

Defined Values For The Vendor Table

Values For Short Fields In Vendor Table
vcurrent Y Yes - still an active site
N No - no longer trading
vshow Y Yes - show in indexes
N No - hide from indexes
vsubscribed Y Yes - have an active subscription
N No - not currently subscribed
et al
Y Yes - model directory link is (auto)usable
N No - model directory link is not (auto)usable
S Session - only usuable when we have a current session key

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