WACS: Database Schemas



This section of the documentation, now sub-divided into a page per schema, covers the database structures used to store the metadata that Wacs is based on. If you're programming with Wacs, or wish to use interfaces like SQL to do interesting and unusual things, you need to understand the data that Wacs holds and what it means.

There are a number of conventions that are followed in the naming of Wacs database fields. First one is that field names are prefixed by the first letter of the table from which they come; this generally saves the need to specify the table name in relational joins in SQL. Generally relationed fields will have fundamentally the same name, such that the set number is setno in the sets schema, asetno in the assoc schema, tsetno in the tags schema, dsetno in the download schema, and so on.

Where possible fields with a limited set of possible values will be single character fields with a reasonably neumonic value for each possible value. Thus the media type (stype, dtype, etc) is V for Video Clip, I for Image Set, D for DVD scene, and so on. A lookup hash of the legal values will typically be available for programmers to use from the core Wacs module (see the section on programming for more info).

The descriptions of each schema are available as follows:

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