WACS: Database Schemas

Database Schemas: Contents

Idmap Table

This is the idmap table - directly below is the sample SQL command to create it and below that details of the fixed values for each of the short fields, along with some suggested values for isite. Note that now the vendor database has been implemented, it is likely that these two fields will become linked so that idmap.isite = vendor.vsite.
create table idmap
( identryno			number(7) primary key,
  imodelno		        number(6) references models,
  istatus			char(1),
  isite				varchar2(20) not null,
  ikey                          varchar2(30),
  ialtkey			varchar2(30),
  iname				varchar2(30),
  inotes			varchar2(80), 
  iactive			char(1),
  ichanged			date,
  ichecked			date,
  iadded			date,
  iamended			date

Defined Values For The Idmap Table

Values For Short Fields In Idmap Table
istatus M Manually Added
AAutomatically Added
IImported From Another WACS site
iactive Y Yes - active model (refresh list with auto tools)
DDormant - no new sets for a while (don't bother checking)
NNo - inactive (id not known)
OObsolete - old reference (no longer there)
Some Recommended Site Abbrievations
isite AMK AMKingdom.com (aka ATK Galeria)

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