Chapter 6. WACS API: Core Module

Table of Contents

Core Module: Summary
Core Module: Reference

Core Module: Summary

Table 6.1. Function Summary: Core Module

read_conflocate and read the XML based configuration file
check_authcheck that this is an authorised access
auth_errorreport an authentication error and suggest remedies
auth_userreturn the registered username for this IP
add_authadd a new authentication token to access control system
find_config_locationtry to locate the specified XML config file
conf_get_attrget the requested configuration attribute
auth_get_attrget the requested access control list attribute
gettodayget today's date as a string suitable for the current DB
timecompsbreak a date down into component parts
vendlinkprovide a link to the vendors site
getvaluenametakes a single character flag and converts to string
geticonlistgets the icon array for the specified object type
gettypecolourget the prevailing colour scheme for the set type
divideupmake a directory name more readable
alsofeaturingfind and list any other models featured in this set
checkexcludecheck for this file name being one to ignore/hide
checkindexcheck for what might be an index file
addheadercssadd standard preamble to enable javascript menus
setgrouppermsset the appropriate group permissions for co-operative updating