Table of Contents
![]() | Note |
Please notice that the use of metric in the vital statistics is not intended to be a dig at the imperial measurements, merely that it reliably and consistantly conveys the necessary information as sensible, manageable integers. Utility functions are planned to make it easier to convert and update in a future release of WACS. You try writing an SQL query to find models between 5ft 3ins and 5ft 6ins in height, as compared to between 160 and 168 cms in height. See what I mean? |
create table models ( modelno number(6) primary key, mname varchar2(40), mhair varchar2(15), mlength varchar2(20), mtitsize varchar2(10), mcupsize char(1), meyes varchar2(15), mrace varchar2(15), mattributes varchar2(60), maliases varchar2(60), mdisting varchar2(80), musual varchar2(60), mimage varchar2(80), mbigimage varchar2(80), mstatus char(1), mrating char(1), mpussy char(1), mflag char(1), mvideos char(1), msolo char(1), mstraight char(1), mlesbian char(1), mfetish char(1), mmast char(1), mtoys char(1), mother char(1), mnsets number(4), mnimages number(7), mnvideos number(4), mcountry varchar2(30), mhometown varchar2(80), mage number(3), mageyear number(4), mcstatus char(1), mvitbust number(4), mvitwaist number(4), mvithips number(4), mbuild char(1), mheight number(3), mweight number(3), moccupation varchar2(30), mcontact varchar2(80), mnotes varchar2(240), mbio varchar2(240), madded date, mamended date );