Chapter 16. WACS Web Apps: Indices

Table of Contents

Index Applications

Index Applications


wacsimgcats generates a concise index of the images. Without an argument does everything. Can also take an sarea as an argument, so to look at only the area called "redheads", call with wacsimgcats/sarea=redheads


wacsimglist produces thumbnails of the images in the specified location - normally takes a complete sarea and scategory listing as arguments. Thus for a redhead with small breasts called Sarah, you would invoke it with wacsimglist/sarea=redheads:scategory=smalltits/Sarah. Optionally, it will also support a photographer based narrowing of the list, so if you wanted Sarah's sets only by photographer Fred, you would invoke it with wacsimglist/sarea=redheads:scategory=smalltits/Sarah:sphotog=Fred . wacsimglist can also cope with a wildcard at the end of the category field, so you could invoke it with wacsimglist/sarea=redheads:scategory=smalltits/+ to show you all redheads with small tits. You can further narrow it down using the sphotog selection criteria as well, so that to see all Fred's sets of small titted redheads, you can do: wacsimglist/sarea=redheads:scategory=smalltits/+:sphotog=Fred . It will also accept slocation as either a replacement for sarea or as a modifier on any other valid selection. This is invoked by wacsimgcats and wacsshow, and calls wacsindex to display any set selected.

wacsimglist also supports use of the conn (connections) table - if you invoke it with wacsimglist/cgroup=123 it will display the members of cgroup 123. This can also be modified with the sphotog= option as above. Wacsimglist similarly supports displaying tag sets via the same mechanism, ie wacsimglist/tgroup=123.


wacsvidcats is the video version of wacsimgcats. Uses exactly the same script with a control variable changed in it.


wacsvidlist is video version of wacsimglist. Uses exactly the same script with a control variable changed in it. Supports photographer searches in exactly the same way.


wacsphotcats is the photographer catalogue, it's again based upon wacsimgcats with a control variable changed. To search for a given photographer's sets, for example, SWE (Sweet Photography) call with wacsphotcats/SWE.


wacslistphotog produces a list of photographers, ranked by rating, with a little bit of information about them. Each one links to wacsphotocats to display that photographer's work. It takes no options at this point.


wacsstats produces a number of different statistics about the current wacs collection - in particular, it does a whole range of top 25s - models with the most sets, videos, images, biggest sets, etc. Not particularly essential, but great fun and a different angle from which to explore the Wacs collecton.