Chapter 18. WACS Web Apps: Tag

Table of Contents

Tag Applications

Tag Applications


wacstagsets displays a set-based tag set. To invoke for tagset 456, call with wacstagsets/456. Note that one of the options to wacsmodelindex above provides equivalent functionality for model-based tag sets.

Since wacstagsets provides a link to wacsdeltag for each individual set it displays, it provides a very rudimentary way of editing set-based tag sets, in so much as you can create a tag set through wacsnewsets or the search functions, and then trim the entries you do not want using wacstagsets.


wacslisttags lists current known tag sets. Wacslisttags provides the main way into using the tag system - it profers an index of the currently defined tag sets and calls wacstagsets or wacsmodelindex appropriately. It does not take any options at this point. Only an admin level user can see all people's tags, other users are restricted to those they have created, are owned by 'wacs' or have been set as public. WacsListTags now includes an option for set based tags to call the wacsslideshow program to see a slideshow of the whole tag set. Wacslisttags now includes a link on the tag number to a short form index (via wacsimglist) and to the more detailed wacstagsets on the title of the tag set. It also shows administrators the owner of the tag set concerned.