Chapter 10. Troubleshooting

Table of Contents

Installation Troubleshooting
Checking Database And Accounts
Checking Structures
Beyond That
wacssetup completes but you can't login
If All Else Fails
General Troubleshooting Tips
Troubleshooting Checklist
Special Notes About SELinux


We obviously hope the installation of Wacs will go smoothly but it is a pretty complex system that depends on a significant number of other packages working together with our code. This chapter aims to provide help and assistance if all doesn't go according to plan. There are two main sections - the first (the section called “Installation Troubleshooting”) covers what to do if the installation proceedure itself goes wrong; the second (the section called “General Troubleshooting Tips”) covers more general issues where the system installs but then doesn't work or where it stops working for some reason.