
addconticons — adds a small table containing icons from continuation sets


use Wacs;
use Wacs::WacsUI;
scalar addrelicons(...); 


setnoThe set number of this set
stypeThe type of this set
sformatThe format of this set - mostly useful for videos
layoutHow to layout the resulting output - specify table for HTML table, div for appropriate DIVs for CSS formating.
sizeSize of the icons to use - mini, std, etc.
perrowSpecifies how many icons should be included in each row of the table
labelOverrides the default part label if it does not contain an empty string.
destlocWhich configuration variable to use for location of link destination application - typically cgiurl for perl scripts, siteurl for php scripts, or wacsurl for wacs GUI elements (like glyphs, javascript files or stylesheets)
destappThe stem of the URL to link to around the icon, something like wacsindex/page, needs to include any parameter introducers like page or setid=

The extension of the URL to link to, or null, ie .html or .php. From Wacs 0.9.0 onwards this can also be none to leave it empty.

destinfoThe stem of the URL to link around a link to more information, something like wacsindex/info, needs to include any parameter introducers like page or setid=
dbhandleHandle to the current database connection for query


The addconticons function returns the HTML to generate a small table with icons with hyperlinks for continuation sets. Various optional parameters control how this HTML segment is generated. It supports a similar set of onwards link specifers to iconlink to allow use with the likes of the PHP simple skin pages if preferred.


addconticons is available from Wacs release 0.9.0 onwards in both perl and php. It was not available prior to this release.