
read_menu — read the XML menu files and create menu record structure


use Wacs;
use Wacs::WacsUI;
scalar menu_filename;


The read_menu reads the specified menu XML file into the internal data structures of the wacsui object. It should be called before using any of the other menu routines. For the standard system menus, the collection management tools look up the configuration variable mainmenu in the layout section which by default tells them to use the file menu.cfg in the wacs config directory (usually /etc/wacs.d). You can edit the standard menu file to add your own additional menu definitions for use in specific applications. If your application wishes to use an alternate namespace, you could specify an alternate menu config name, something like mysite.cfg and also place it in the wacs config directory.


read_menu is available in both perl and php. The use of configuration variable mainmenu is only used from Wacs 0.9.0 onwards, previously it was a hard coded default.