Chapter 16. Command Line Tools

Table of Contents

Data Manuipulation
The addmodel Command
The addassoc Command
The delset Command
Processing Applications
The generate Command
The genvideo Command
The updateinfo Command
Automatic Collection Maintenance Tools
The updatestats Command
The wacsblogctl Command


The Wacs system has actually been around quite a few years now and in the earlier releases almost all the collection administration was performed using command line tools. While we've been busy developing new web-based tools over the course of the Wacs 0.7.x and 0.8.x release series, the old command line tools are most definitely still there and perfectly functional. In a few cases (updateinfo, delset) they are the only way of doing a specific obscure task; in others they may simply be useful building blocks for your use of Wacs. For instance, the addmodel script might be useful in writing a migration script from your previous storage method.

In this chapter, we're going to look at what exists and what they can do for you... there are still a few tasks for which they are the only way to do certain things. Firstly, lets summarise what is available:

Table 16.1. Command Line Tools

CommandWeb EquivDescription
addmodelwacsmodelmgrCreates a new model record
addassocwacsaddassoc (new in 0.8.4)Associates a model with a pre-existing set
delsetNoneDeletes a set from the Wacs database
generatewacsplacemgr and wacsinfomgr Creates new icons from the image sets, then runs updateinfo (see below)
genvideowacsplacemgr and wacsinfomgr Creates new video sets and updates existing ones (actually used directly by the web-based tools)
updateinfowacsplacemgrCreates new image sets and updates existing ones (actually used directly by the web-based tools)
updatestatsNoneUpdates the statistics in each model's records based on the sets she's associated with - should be run nightly
wacsblogctlNoneManages blog entries - dumps them out to HTML files, loads them in from simple HTML files
wacsvidcombNoneMakes video compilations from multipart videos.
wacscachectlNoneCreates appropriate cache entries for a set - video or image - if the video requires a compilation, use wacsvidcomb first.

We're going to split these command line applications down into two categories - those that handle data manipulation and those that perform processing tasks that require no other intervention. The addmodel, addassoc and delset commands fall into the former category; generate, genvideo, updateinfo and updatestats into tha later.