Chapter 22. Schema Reference: User

Table of Contents

User: Schema SQL
User: Defined Values

User: Schema SQL

create table user
( userid                number(9) primary key,
  username              varchar2(20) not null,
  upassword             varchar2(20) not null,
  ustatus               char(1),
  utype	                char(1),
  uvisits               number(6),
  uclass                varchar2(20) not null,
  uprexcl               varchar2(20),
  uprdirect             char(1),
  uprpage               varchar2(20),
  uprscale              varchar2(20),
  uprsize               varchar2(12),
  uprquality            number(3),
  uprdelay              number(3),
  uprunits              char(1),
  uprthumbs             varchar2(20),
  uprother              varchar2(20),
  uregister             date,
  uexpiry               date,
  ulastact              date,
  ulastconn             date,
  ulastcomm             date,
  ulasttopic            varchar2(40),
  upurge                date,
  uemail                varchar2(120),
  ualtemail             varchar2(120),
  uscreenname           varchar2(30),
  urealname             varchar2(80),
  uaddress1             varchar2(80),
  uaddress2             varchar2(80),
  ucity                 varchar2(50),
  uprovince             varchar2(30),
  ucountry              varchar2(30),
  upostcode             varchar2(20),
  utelephone            varchar2(30),
  uallowed              char(1),
  uthirdp               char(1),
  ujointhru             varchar2(30),
  ureference            varchar2(120),
  upayamount            number(4,2),
  upaycurr              varchar2(10),
  ulinkfrom             varchar2(120),
  urebill               char(1),
  ucommpay              char(1),
  ucommission           varchar2(80),
  ucommfee              number(4,2),
  ucommcurr             varchar2(10),
  ucommperc             number(3),
  unotes                varchar2(240),
  uadded                date,
  uamended		date

The user schema is a new table introduced in WACS 0.8.5; it is not available or supported prior to that release. Only certain fields of this table are supported and used within the standard WACS tools; the additional fields are utilised by the WacsPro commercial site management toolset available seperately from Bevtec Communications Ltd. To ensure compatibility, the recommended values used in all fields are described here.