Chapter 5. Caching And Performance Tuning

Table of Contents

Cacheing And Performance Tuning Techniques
The usedirect Mechanism
Using The Scaled Cache
Using Direct Access To Thumbnails
The Content Cache Mechanism
Streaming Video Content


There are four methods provided by the Wacs system to improve performance on a heavily used Wacs system. Use of some of these techniques like usedirect are almost essential on a commercial site, and will bring some advantages even to a personal WACS installation. However not all of them are suitable for all applications of WACS and so you need to think a bit about what you enable and what you don't. These options are:

  1. Caching the scaled versions of the icons
  2. Permitting direct access to the icons
  3. Permitting direct access to scaled images
  4. Pre-building download zip files and compilation movies

In this chapter we will look at how these four approaches differ and why you might wish to select to use or not use each of these methods. They are not mutually exclusive but there are constraints on when and how it may be useful to use each of the methods.


Two of these methods are newly introduced in Wacs 0.9.1 and may well still have significant bugs and issues - proceed with caution and test thoroughly before using in production servers.