This is the Database Schema Reference Manual, or data dictionary, for the WACS environment. This documents the database tables in use, their contents, structure, relationships and assigned values.
The WACS database schemas are built with the convention that the
first letter of the schema name is prefixed to all fields within that
schema. Thus a field from the sets schema will start with the letter
s, a field from the assoc schema will start with
the letter a and so on. Generally relationed fields
will have fundamentally the same name, such that the set number is
in the sets schema, asetno
in the
assoc schema, tsetno
in the tags schema,
in the download schema, and so on.
This makes performing relational
joins much easier and more portable since one can do the likes of
where amodelno = modelno
without any ambiguity and
without having to specify the table name explicity.
Where possible fields with a limited set of possible values will be
single character fields with a reasonably neumonic value for each
possible value. Thus the media type (stype, dtype,
etc) is
V for Video Clip, I for Image Set,
D for DVD scene, and so on. A lookup hash of the legal
values will typically be available for programmers to use from the core Wacs
module (see the Part II, “WACS API Programming Reference” for more details).
Chapter 13, Schema Reference: Sets
Chapter 14, Schema Reference: Assoc
Chapter 15, Schema Reference: Idmap
Chapter 16, Schema Reference: Models
Chapter 17, Schema Reference: Download
Chapter 18, Schema Reference: Photographer
Chapter 19, Schema Reference: Tag
Chapter 20, Schema Reference: Vendor
Chapter 21, Schema Reference: Conn
Chapter 22, Schema Reference: Keyword
Chapter 23, Schema Reference: Wacsuser
Chapter 24, Schema Reference: Attrib
Chapter 25, Schema Reference: Notes
Table of Contents