create table notes ( nentryno number(9) primary key, ntype char(1), norder number(3), ntitle varchar2(80), ntext varchar2(2048), nstatus char(1), nnext number(9) references notes, nexpiry date, nmodelno number(6) references models, nsetno number(9) references sets, nphotog varchar2(6) references photographers, nconn number(6), ncomments varchar2(120), nadded date, namended date );
Notes is intended to provide a mechanism for attaching additional text to models, connections and as a basis for a simple site blog mechanism. Of these uses, perhaps the best developed so far is the blog mechanism which is supported by wacsupdstat. If enabled by putting blog:notes in the updatestats configuration seting within the layout section of the configuration file, wacsupdstat will create a basic blog entry for each time updates are made to the site. This can subsequently be edited as desired. Other authored blog entries and site tours can also be added to the blog system manually.