Chapter 11. Other Web Based Tools

Table of Contents

What's Available
Association Manager
Connections Manager
Keyword Manager
Vendor Manager
Photographer Manager

In the last two chapters we have been looking at wacssetmgr and wacsinfomgr and how they can be used to update and modify key parts of the Wacs database for sets. In addition to the high profile database tables for sets and models, there are a number of other database tables that affect the operation of a Wacs system. Many of these have their own tools for administering and updating them - in this chapter we will provide a quick overview of those tools.

What's Available

In this chapter, we're going to be looking at the following tools:

wacsaddassocassocAdds a new ad-hoc link between a model and a set (image or video).
wacsconnmgrconnAdds a set (or a model) to a connection - a way of keeping collections of sets together, often uniting those of a similar theme to each other.
wacskeywordmgrkeywordUpdates the keyword to attributes, attire and location associations
wacsvendmgrvendorUpdates details of source sites, cross-link sites, etc.
wacsphotmgrphotographerUpdates the list of known photographers

All of these tools are listed on the Maintenance Menu which appears on the Wacs front page when your account has the status of administrator (see Chapter 2, First Steps). The Add Association (wacsaddassoc) and Add To Connection (wacsconnmgr ) commands are also offered on the Administrators version of the Actions menu on all set pages and on the completion pages of both wacssetmgr and wacsinfomgr. In these cases the set number is automatically passed across and you only need to provide the other parts of the information needed.