Chapter 7. Installation On A Web Hosting Site

Table of Contents

WebHost Installation: Steps
Preparation On Web Host
The Wacs Code Itself
Database Setup
Database Schema Creation
Support Scripts
Populate The Initial Database
Initial User Creation for Database Authentication
Final Notes For Web Hosting
Webhost History
Known Issues
Adding Missing Helper Programs


This is a complex task and some level of familiarity with the Unix/Linux command line will probably be needed to be successful. This chapter is intended to guide you through the process of installing WACS onto a web site hosting provider's systems, so you may wish to take some time to familiarise yourself with the tools available at their control panel before starting on this process. You will need shell access to your web site server and this is an added cost option with most web hosting providers - the SSH protocol used to access the shell access services is widely available in Linux as openssh-client and we've successfully used the PuTTY free software application on Windows.

Please make sure that all of the packages/services described in the prequisites chapter (Chapter 3, Prerequisites) have been installed and are running correctly. If they don't appear to be there, do take the time to check the control panel for options to install additional software onto your web hosting environment. In most cases MySQL doesn't appear to be enabled by default on most web hosting companies.