Table of Contents
![]() | Warning |
As a general rule, schema changes are done at least one release prior to the point at which they are first used. Thus for schema changes made in the 0.8.5 release, none of these changes were used or accessed by applications in Wacs 0.8.5, so typically you can defer updating the Schema until the next Wacs release comes out if you wish to. There is a tool to update the schema supplied with Wacs 0.9.0 and later releases; this appeared in the wacs 0.8.6 release and is called wacsschema. It is integrated into the existing wacssetup tool which can now perform upgrades as well as first time initialisation. The newly added and currently not used fields are those in bold typeface below - if nothing is in bold, there are no new schema changes in the current release. |
create table sets ( setno number(9) primary key, stype char(1) not null, sstatus char(1) not null, srank char(1), sauto char(1), srating char(1), sflag char(1), stechqual number(2), svariety number(2), svisits number(2), sformat varchar2(10), scodec varchar2(40), stitle varchar2(240), scast varchar2(240), scostume varchar2(240), sstage varchar2(240), saction varchar2(240), sofftitle varchar2(240), sofficon varchar2(160), saddicon varchar2(160), sname varchar2(80), shair varchar2(80), smodelno varchar2(40), slocation varchar2(20), slocdetail varchar2(40), sattire varchar2(20), sfocus char(1), sphotog varchar2(6) references photographer, ssource varchar2(80), sfoundry varchar2(80), sbranding varchar2(80), sproddate date, sreldate date, suscattr char(1), snotes varchar2(240), sdesc varchar2(2048), sindexes number(6), simages number(6), sdurhrs number(2), sdurmin number(2), sdursec number(2), slandx number(6), slandy number(6), sportx number(6), sporty number(6), saspect varchar2(10), sfps number(6), sinter char(1), sskipfr number(9), sbytes number(12), sdvdno number(6), sdvddisc number(2), sdvdtitle number(3), sdvdstartch number(3), sdvdendch number(3), sidlogo char(1), serrors char(1), sduplicates number(9) references sets, saltmedia number(9) references sets, snext number(9) references sets, sprev number(9) references sets, ssetpos number(2), scatinfo varchar2(160), scatflag char(1), snamestem varchar2(80), sdownload varchar2(160), sarea varchar2(160), scategory varchar2(160), sdirectory varchar2(240), scomments varchar2(240), sadded date, samended date );
![]() | Note |
These are changes in Wacs 1.0.0 which will not start being used until the next release, most likely Wacs 1.0.1, unless we have to rush out a rapid bug fix release. |
is a new field which will seperate the
branding from the foundry as major content providers move to themed niche
sites under a larger banner. The intention is to update the foundry field
to the content provider: twistys, nublies, amkingdom, kink, ddf, 21sextury,
etc, and to use the branding field for the various niche brand names like
whengirlsplay, welivetogether, whipped ass, etc.
is the first of four new fields to store the
expanded set descriptions in the style in which they are usually displayed
in the Wacs pages. Initially they will be populated from the current stitle
field via the processing used for the pages themselves, then in due course
stitle will become a process legacy field derived from these. This field
is for the main cast list for the set.
is the second of the breakout fields for
stitle. This one describes the outfits worn by the cast in the set.
is the third of the breakout fields - this
one describes the setting in which the action takes place.
is the fourth field and a new one containing
descriptions of any unusual actions or situations not currently covered by
the tagging. It's contents will probably not be merged back into stitle
although they will be used in keyword scoring mechanisms to pre-load the
tagging system.
is a new field made active in Wacs 1.0.0
which holds the frames per second value multiplied by one hundred
. This is to allow the difference between NTSC-style drop frame
(29.97 frames per second) and non-drop frame (30 frames per second) to be
indicated. For 29.97, the value will be 2997; for 30, it will be 3000.
Divide it by one hundred before use in your web apps.
field was introduced into the
schema in release 0.8.1; it came into use in WACS 0.8.2. It was historically
scored using the other attribute of the keyword system, this changed
to using kiwear
in WACS 0.9.0.
The fields that were introduced in WACS 0.8.5 were
, saltmedia
, sprev
. Additionally referential integrity is now
enforced for sduplicates which shouldn't cause a particular problem if it's
been used correctly.