Chapter 18. Collection Management

Table of Contents

Web Based Tools
wacsmodelmgr - Wacs model manager
wacssetmgr - Wacs set manager
wacsinfomgr - Wacs info manager
wacsunpackmgr - Wacs unpack manager
wacsplacemgr - Wacs placement manager
wacsaddassoc - Wacs association manager

Web Based Tools

wacsmodelmgr - Wacs model manager

This web application is designed to duplicate the text-based addmodel script and additionally provide a tool for updating model records and identity maps (jobs that previously had to be done directly in SQL). If you have administrator role defined for your account (see the section called “User Class”) it will appear on the Maintenance menu of the front page and as a link from each model's index page. When used from the model index page, it updates the model's details - used from the Maintenance menu it can add new models and idmaps as well as modifying existing model's records.

When called from the maintenance menu (or directly) it offers you two modes - Model Update or Identity Management - and three ways of finding the model to work on - by model number, by site and their id on that site or by name. If you choose name, both the main name and aliases in the models schema and the per-site idmap name will be searched and a selection of headshots and details of models with a similar name offered. You are also given the option to create a new model (if in Model Update mode - you can't create an IDmap for a model that doesn't exist!). This will allow you to create a new model or add a new idmap to an existing model. In a future release, it will become possible to edit existing IDmaps as well as model details.

wacssetmgr - Wacs set manager

The Wacs Set Manager, wacssetmgr allows the updating of set attributes through a web-based GUI. You get to it by clicking on the "rating" link on the model pages - this link is only offered to users in the administrator list. It can alternatively be invoked directly with the set number in the URL, for instance to edit details for set 12345, you'd give the URL ending with wacssetmgr/12345 . This presents a startforward web form through which you make your changes, click Summarise Changes and you'll see a list of what you've changed; if happy with it, click on Commit Changes to make those changes in the database.

wacsinfomgr - Wacs info manager

The Wacs Info Manager, wacsinfomgr is effectively a partner for the Wacs Set Manager that provides for editing the more nuts and bolts fields within the sets table. One of it's major features is the ability to rename and relocate sets, but it covers several other areas including official and additional icons, textual descriptions and USC 2257 attribution management. It is invoked simply using the set number as a parameter in the URL, so to edit set no 12345 you give a URL ending with wacsinfomgr/12345.

wacsunpackmgr - Wacs unpack manager

The Wacs Unpack Manager, wacsunpackmgr is used to unpack downloaded zip or video files so that they can be examined, described and imported into the Wacs system. This can be done by one of three methods: taking a downloaded set from the Wacs download area, by uploading a zip or video file through a web browser, or by copying it from a specified directory on the Wacs server itself.

wacsplacemgr - Wacs placement manager

The Wacs Placement Manager, wacsplacemgr is used to place the unpacked set into the wacs image or video clips archive, naming it appropriately for it's content. The name you give it is then scanned for keywords which are used to make an initial first guess at the appropriate attributes to mark the set up with. These can be modified and improved using the wacssetmgr - Wacs Set Manager at a later time.

wacsaddassoc - Wacs association manager

The Wacs Assocation Manager, wacsaddassoc is used to add new associations between models and sets. Its functionally is almost identical to the text-based addassoc utility but is somewhat easier to use being web-based. wacsaddassoc offers you three choices for the method of selecting the target set - a specified set number, a pull-down list of recently added image sets and a pull-down list of recently added video clips. Similarly it offers you three ways to select the model to be associated with the set: by specifying her model number, by selecting from a list of recently added models, or by searching for her by name.