Chapter 19. Lookup Data Management

Table of Contents

Web Based Tools
wacsvendmgr - Wacs Vendor Manager
wacsphotmgr - Wacs Photographer Manager
wacskeywordmgr - Wacs Keyword Manager
wacsdnlmgr - Wacs Download Manager
wacsdnllist - Wacs Download Status List
wacsdnlframe - Wacs Download Frame
wacsdnlnext - Wacs Download Next Prompter

Web Based Tools

wacsvendmgr - Wacs Vendor Manager

The Wacs Vendor Manager, wacsvendmgr is used in the maintenance of the vendor database which is used by some of the model and set display pages to profer a link back to the original site and heavily in the download infrastructure. It can display, update or create new vendor records in the vendor database. When first invoked, it will offer a choice of vendor sites which have been preloaded into the system using the the console tool vendor table population command, vendpop. A number of sample vendor records are distributed in the XML file, vendors.xml which is read by the vendpop command. This is typically done automatically by the easyinstall command when WACS is installed, or manually if the RPM packages were used.

The Add A New Vendor option gives a simplifed form for the basic details; once created the record should be modified to add whatever extra information is also known. Please contribute details for any good quality sites you know of to the authors to be included in a future version.

Please note that the URLs stored in the vendor database include a number of keywords sandwiched by hash (#) symbols which are substituted for by WACS before calling the described page. The current recognised keywords are:

Table 19.1. Substitution List For Vendor URLs

StringData SourceDescription
#NAME#iname from idmapThe model's name on this site
#KEY#ikey from idmapThe key for this model on this site (ie model no or reference)
#ALT#ialtkey from idmapThe alternative key for sites like atkexotics and atkgalleria that use two keys.
#SETKEY#dsetkey from downloadThe relevant set's key or reference number.
#SESSIONKEY#unique number for sessionssome sites use Dynamic DNS to give a unique short-lived URL for set retrieval - this allows that URL to be passed downwards.
#MODELNO#the WACS model numberdesigned for site prototyping and other purposes where the site may be self-referencial.
#SETNO#the WACS set numberdesigned for site prototyping and other purposes where the site may be self-referencial.

wacsphotmgr - Wacs Photographer Manager

The Wacs Photographer Manager, wacsphotmgr is used in the maintenance of the photographer database which is used by many of the model and set display pages to profer to work by the same photographer. It can display, update or create new photographer records in the photographer database. When first invoked, it will offer a choice of existing defined photographers, and an option to add a new one. As with vendors, there is a corresponding command line utility called photpop which will import the provided photographers.xml sample collection.

wacskeywordmgr - Wacs Keyword Manager

The Wacs Keyword Manager, wacskeywordmgr is used for viewing, adding and amending keyword look-up rules used by the updateinfo command in determining the automatic values for a named set. It does not take any URL arguments, you merely scroll through the list presented, tick the adjacent tick box and then click on Edit or Delete. To add a new keyword, simply click on Add. Scores for each attribute that is infered from the keyword start at 1 for least likely up to 9 for most likely. To investigate how a given set of attributes produced the result it did, set the debug level for tool_updateinfo to something like 5 and the score card used will be displayed.

wacsdnlmgr - Wacs Download Manager

The Wacs Download Manager, wacsdnlmgr allows the resolution of some of the most common problems with download records. To invoke the download manager for download record 1234, call wacsdnlmgr with wacsdnlmgr/download1234.html. The wacsmodelpage will automatically link to this page for users with role “admin” in the access control lists.

wacsdnllist - Wacs Download Status List

This gives an overview of the current state of the download activity over the last two weeks. It's primarily informational although it does link to the download manager to allow modification of the download records.


Both wacsdnlframe and wacsdnlnext are new in Wacs 0.8.4 and are not available in previous releases.

wacsdnlframe - Wacs Download Frame

For some web sites, due to their security measures, it is not possible to perform an automatic download. For these sites, it is possible to have the Wacs download system parse a saved version of the model's index page to compare the set numbers the system knows about with the new version of the page to see if any new sets have been added. If there are new ones found, in most cases the information found is incomplete - mostly it is missing the actual URL (Web Address) for the downloadable zip or movie file - making the download record incomplete. The wacsdnlframe web application splits the web page into two halves - the top half has some input fields; the bottom half has the relevant set page from the site displayed in it.

To make use of wacsdnlframe you find the link to the zip or movie file, do a right mouse click on the link and choose Copy Link Location. You then move up to the input field in the top half of the page, and simply paste the saved URL into it. You then click on the "Complete Download Record" button and the URL for the set is saved into it's download record and the status updated to show that it is now a complete record and usable for a download.

wacsdnlnext - Wacs Download Next Prompter

The wacsdnlnext command provides a web-based alternative to the standard command line download tool getarc by creating a web page containing currently pending downloads. It gives both where a set should be saved and a link to each set to be downloaded. It also provides a tick box which can be ticked when each set has been downloaded - it will then check for the presence of the downloaded files and if they're present, mark the download record as pending unpacking.

The recommended sequence for using wacsdnlnext is to select the full pathname where the file should be saved, copy it into the paste buffer, then right click on the link on the archive name and choose Save Link As - in the dialog box that pops up, you then paste the destination directory from the paste buffer. Finally you tick the done box once the download is complete. Once you've done all the downloads you intend to in this batch, you can click on the Update To Do List button at the bottom and the ticked downloads will be checked and if present and of a reasonable size, their download records will be updated to indicate that they have been downloaded.


There is no problem with downloading out of sequence. You can do all the images first for instance and then leave the videos running while you do something else. Just tick the ones you've done and wacsdnlnext will do the rest.